Fedora 42: The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything

The number “42” is a significant part of the story of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a classic series of satirical science fiction written by Douglas Adams. It has a long and enduring history in the geek lexicon, and it seems to me like the Fedora Project would be missing a tremendous opportunity to have a little fun with it.

I’d like to propose that we consider bringing back the old Fedora codenames just this once and declare the release “Fedora 42 (Adams)”, ideally with a few subtle nods snuck in to the artwork for the release.

When discussing this on the Fedora Council Matrix channel, @bookwar also made the excellent suggestion of producing some “Fedora Linux 42”-branded hand towels (which is another nod to the Hitchhiker’s series).


I’ve been having this idea of ​​linking fedora 42 to the Hitchhiker’s Guide, since fedora 32 was released. so I fully support the idea.

After this we will have to wait 27 versions to have another significant number.


We’re going to need some really bad poetry.


I suggested something for 42 a while ago!:

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Why wait? May I present Ode to an Operating System I Found on a Flash Drive in the Parking Lot One Midsummer Morning.


I for one miss the code names!


I think this is a wonderful, excellent, very good idea. Yes please.


Finally, a good use case for GenAI!


I’m an unabashed lover of release names, but I also understand the reasons we stopped doing them. I don’t think we need to bring back the codename for this release, but we could definitely pay homage in other ways: artwork, release announcement text, branded towels (a brilliant idea, @bookwar!), having the release party on 25 May (a Sunday, if the calendar holds), etc.

If we’re feeling particularly spicy, we could shift the release day from Tuesday to Thursday and boldly declare “now you can finally get the hang of Thursdays”.


Aged naturally instead of seasoned …

I like such a playfulness. :smile:

Given the largely positive response both here and on the Fedora-Devel list, I’ve opened a ticket with the Fedora Council to make a decision.


A book with “Don’t Panic” and the Fedora logo might be a neat Plymouth splash screen. Maybe it could open to reveal some AI-generated poetry?


We have failed as a community if we can’t generate awful poetry on our own. Seems like this would make a good community contest along with wallpapers.


i think the release should be on Towel Day: Towel Day - Wikipedia


Haha that would be perfect

How about having the F42 Release Party on Towel day?! The only drawback is it is a Sunday, and that’s typically a rest or family day for a lot of folks. So, counter offer - Monday 26th May or Friday 23rd May?? :slight_smile: