neofetch is supposed to be in the fedora repository, but when i attempt to install after upgrading to fedora 41 it says it is not found. Is there a problem with the new dnf?
neofetch works on my other computer that already had it installed when I upgraded, but I can’t install it on the computer that didn’t have it installed when I upgraded.
tomporter@fedora:~$ sudo dnf install neofetch
Updating and loading repositories:
Repositories loaded.
Failed to resolve the transaction:
No match for argument: neofetch
You can try to add to command line:
--skip-unavailable to skip unavailable packages
fastfetch is indeed quite fast and looks like a good drop in replacement. The big issue here is that people will need to figure out that they need to use fastfetch now when they memorized neofetch.
Could/should we add provides and maybe a symlink in fastfetch so it becomes an automatic replacement? I did that once upon a time when pdfshuffler was replaced by its fork PDF Arranger, this case is a bit different but maybe it is still a good idea?
Tagging @jonathanspw as the fastfetch maintainer. I remember there was a fastfetch/neofetch thread on the devel mailing list some time ago, where Provides where perhaps discussed. But as mailing lists search is broken at the moment, I cannot find it now.
I totally support this. I didn’t realize neofetch was actually being orphaned and removed from Fedora…but since it has it makes sense to add an alias to fastfetch to deal with this.
After a bit of consulting with some other packagers we can’t really do anything here. To push neofetch users to fastfetch would be inappropriate as they are not compatible stacks, and it would be doing users a disservice. Unfortunately folks are going to have to discover fastfetch on their own. Spread the word!