Also found this. Is snapper installed and configured? I’m not familiar with how snapper or timeshift work or what they depend on. Switching back to BLSCFG probably broke the snapshotting regime…
This is the trouble with non-standard configurations. Very few people can help when there are problems. And if we don’t know this in advance there’s a chance any advice will make things worse.
I’m not sure if i have snapper installed. Would this be easier to solve if I just reinstall Fedora entirely and start from scratch? Or maybe I’ll just stay on the older update, which works.
Please don’t reinstall until you have collected more details of the issue. Reinstalls may be needed after an improper shutdown resulting in corrupt filesystems, but too often just bring you back to the original problem.
To check if snapper is installed, run “dnf info snapper”.
You can certainly backup your ~/ files to separate storage and reinstall. That is sometimes tedious but it does resolve any open questions about system state.