Fedora 40 upgrade failed succesfully?

So yesterday i wanted to upgrade from F39 to F40. since all my extensions are now supported on GNOME 46.
I went and used the dnf upgrade system sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=40 like i always did since F36.
I had a few hiccups that i never ran into before where i had to remove some old packages.
After that i ran sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot.
The system would reboot and run the offline system upgrader but after a bit it would just
suddenly stop and reboot again into F39.

So i went and tried the Software store upgrade which downloaded and ran but during my upgrade the system upgrader ran into this issue.

[FAILED] Failed to start systemd-binfmt.service - Set Up Additional Binary Formats.
See 'systemctl status systemd-binfmt.service' for details.

And then packagekit-offline-update.service stalled for about half a hour before i decided that this was going nowhere and made a BAD decision and rebooted the laptop.

After the reboot, my systems now thinks that it’s F40 but dnf is using F39 repos.
Both neofetch and the Settings -> About say its F40.

Every app works like it should but dnf is super broken.

I tried sudo dnf distro-sync --skip-broken but it would come up with this error:

└─ ><>  sudo dnf distro-sync --skip-broken
Last metadata expiration check: 0:14:44 ago on Thu 23 May 2024 10:29:27 AM CEST.
 Problem: package webrtc-audio-processing0.3-0.3.1-12.fc40.x86_64 from @System requires libstdc++.so.6(CXXABI_1.3.15)(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
  - libstdc++-14.1.1-1.fc40.x86_64 from @System  does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - problem with installed package webrtc-audio-processing0.3-0.3.1-12.fc40.x86_64

Is there any way to salvage this or am i gonna have to put all my data on a stick and reinstall F40?

From Proposed Common Issues to Ask Fedora

Super broken? Is that your only issue? Just remove the package webrtc-audio-processing0.3 and you are done: sudo dnf remove webrtc-audio-processing0.3

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Sorry i didn’t mention but i tried this before and…

└─ ><>  sudo dnf remove webrtc-audio-processing0.3
[sudo] password for josko-k:
 Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: gnome-shell
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

sudo dnf remove --noautoremove webrtc-audio-processing0.3

--noautoremove will β€œDisable removal of dependencies that are no longer used. It sets clean_requirements_on_remove configuration option to False.”, see docs.

after that, run distro-sync and try to install the removed package again.

Still having the same issue:

└─ ><>  sudo dnf remove --noautoremove webrtc-audio-processing0.3
[sudo] password for josko-k: 
 Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: gnome-shell
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)
sudo rpm --nodeps -e webrtc-audio-processing0.3

Tried this too but sudo dnf distro-sync failed:

└─ ><>  sudo dnf distro-sync
Last metadata expiration check: 1:07:37 ago on Thu 23 May 2024 11:01:25 AM CEST.
 Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: NetworkManager, dnf, grub2-tools-minimal, setup, sudo, systemd, systemd-udev
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)
└─ ><>  sudo dnf distro-sync --skip-broken
Last metadata expiration check: 1:08:31 ago on Thu 23 May 2024 11:01:25 AM CEST.
 Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: NetworkManager, dnf, grub2-tools-minimal, setup, sudo, systemd, systemd-udev
└─ ><>  

sudo rpm --nodeps -e webrtc-audio-processing0.3 didn’t cause any errors.

This is best to run in a text console: Alt+Ctrl+F5

sudo dnf distro-sync \
    --releasever 40 \
    --refresh \
    --setopt protected_packages=
sudo dnf remove \
    --duplicates \
    --setopt protected_packages=

Be sure to prepare a working Fedora 40 live media if something goes wrong.


Sorry i couldn’t get back to you, system gave me the β€œOh no! Something has gone wrong.” screen after i reset the laptop when the command finished. So i transferred all my data to my stick and reinstalled F40.
It runs perfectly now, thank you for trying to help anyways :+1:.

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