Fedora 40 Cinnamon - Alternative To Dnfdragora Updater/Package Manager?


New to Fedora - I installed Fedora 40 Cinnamon on my main computer.

On Cinnamon version, the updater/package manager Dnfdragora does not work well.
Can someone recommend an alternative and how to install it in terminal?

Let me know, thanks!


Hi James,

You can do it from the command line e.g.
sudo dnf update && sudo dnf upgrade

update and upgrade do the same thing. What is equivalent to Ubuntu apt update is to add --refresh to the dnf command.

Correct, my bad. I had obviously Debian in my head.


That is good information.

Is there a graphical package manager I can install that would work well with Cinnamon?
Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon had a Software Manager app that was quite nice.

Looking for info, screenshots, and reviews if possible.
Let me know, Fedora is completely new to me.


maybe gnome-software

sudo dnf install gnome-software

and if you don’t like

sudo dnf remove gnome-software

That works well, thank you!


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