Fastest mirror

Hello everyone!
If you want dnf to choose the fastest mirror, is it still necessary to add the parameter ‘fastestmirror=True’ in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf’?
I ask this because in the machine I updated from 40 to 41, the parameters of ‘dnf.conf’ from 40 was maintained and a new ‘dnf.confnew’ created with the parameter ‘[main]’.

Fastest mirror is not enabled by default so you would need to manually enable it.

I would read this first.

Assuming that was a .rpmnew file…
rpm doesn’t replace your configuration files, it will put the updated config in an .rpmnew file and then you can choose to update or keep your original configuration. There is a utilityrpmconf to manage this.

FYI: dnf5 configuration changes are here:


Dnf5 also uses so called drop in files now.
It is easier if you have your own dot files, you just can move/copy this without changing any other config file.

DNF5 Configuration Reference — dnf5 documentation

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Thank you @grumpey and @ilikelinux , I will read carefully and hope to understand.
I confess that even though I’ve been using Linux since 2015, and have already saved a lot of material… I still haven’t managed to find enough time to study.

Keep in mind that fastestmirror chooses a mirror with the lowest latency, which is not necessarily the fastest. It’s usually better to leave it disabled as there is already a server side mechanism (mirrormanager), which takes bandwidth and other heuristiscs into account, to provide the best mirror for a user.


Thanks, @principis I’ll leave it disabled.