Failed upgrade from 37 to 38


I’m trying to upgrade a machine from fedora 37 to fedora 38 and ran into the following error

Here is the steps that I did:

  1. sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
  2. restart computer
  3. sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
  4. sudo dnf system-upgrade --releasever=38 --skip-broken --allowerasing download

I thought the “–skip-broken and --allowerasing” would bypass those packages. Any thoughts?

There is an error in the repo name.
rpmfusionfree and rpmfusionfree-updates do not exist.
That should be rpmfusion-free in both cases.
Please check the content of the /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmfusion-free.repo and /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmfusion-free-updates.repo files to verify the proper repo name is listed.

You should be able to run dnf repolist and see the currently enabled list of repos on your system.
I have

# dnf repolist
repo id                                                         repo name
code                                                            Visual Studio Code                  Copr repo for PyCharm owned by phracek
fedora                                                          Fedora 39 - x86_64
fedora-cisco-openh264                                           Fedora 39 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64
google-chrome                                                   google-chrome
rpmfusion-free                                                  RPM Fusion for Fedora 39 - Free
rpmfusion-free-updates                                          RPM Fusion for Fedora 39 - Free - Updates
rpmfusion-nonfree                                               RPM Fusion for Fedora 39 - Nonfree
rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver                                 RPM Fusion for Fedora 39 - Nonfree - NVIDIA Driver
rpmfusion-nonfree-steam                                         RPM Fusion for Fedora 39 - Nonfree - Steam
rpmfusion-nonfree-tainted                                       RPM Fusion for Fedora 39 - Nonfree tainted
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates                                       RPM Fusion for Fedora 39 - Nonfree - Updates
updates                                                         Fedora 39 - x86_64 - Updates

and yours should be similar but for F37. Everyone of those errors shows the invalid repo name.