F43 Change Proposal: Packit as a dist-git CI (system-wide)

Packit as a dist-git CI

This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux.
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.


:link: Summary

This change aims to change a dist-git CI solution to one based on Packit and deprecate current solutions (Fedora CI and Zuul).

This change does not affect the tests being run and the test execution service (=Testing Farm), but the mechanism used to trigger and report them.

This is strictly not related to the opt-in Packit-provided workflows. (I.e. this does not require using Packit for release syncing.) A slightly different branding might be used to avoid confusion.

:link: Owner

:link: Detailed Description

Since Packit has a long-term and feature-rich integration with Testing Farm and also automation around dist-git pull requests, the Packit team is willing to help with a current, non-ideal, situation with dist-git CI. It looks like there are not enough resources to properly support and improve the current solutions (Fedora CI and Zuul). This proposal does not influence Fedora CI Bodhi testing but might be considered as a next step.

Fedora CI maintenance had been a long-term concern without a clear owner for the dist-git integration and with plans to move it to the Testing Farm team. The Testing Farm team would like to avoid maintenance of these and rather have only a single integrator both upstream and downstream.

Since Packit Fedora automation heavily relies on working CI on dist-git pull requests, we need to make sure it works reliably.

Most of the code is already there in Packitā€™s codebase. The work is mainly about plumbing everything together and making sure it works as expected.

We welcome any suggestions but these are the phases we are thinking about:

  • phase 0: (current state)
    • opt-in (by Packit service configuration)
    • Scratch build being run (example PR)
  • phase 1:
    • opt-in (publicly available)
    • Scratch build being run
    • time: ~ month
  • phase 2:
  • phase 3:
    • opt-in (publicly available)
    • scratch build + installability check + user-defined TMT tests (as separate results)
    • time: ~ month
  • final phase ~ Fedora CI replacement:
    • by-default
    • Fedora CI is deprecated
    • Separate Packit deployment instance for CI; running in the Fedora Infrastructure.
    • opt-out in favour of Zuul
    • scratch build + installability check + user-defined TMT tests (as separate results)
    • time: ~ enough time for people to try before defaulting
  • next steps
    • Everything currently run by Fedora Zuul on dist-git pull requests is run via Packit (opt-in).
    • Deprecate dist-git tenant on Fedora Zuul instance.

:link: Risks:

  • Deployment to Fedora infrastructure
    • Despite Packit requiring only OpenShift for its deployment, there can still be problems found when deploying to another cluster.
    • Some work is required to be done by the Fedora Infrastructure team that we canā€™t influence.
  • Performance
    • When going to the final phase when run by default, the load might significantly increase. Despite the number of packages actively using dist-git pull requests is not huge, we still need to be prepared.
  • dist-git git forge switch
    • Despite Packit being written in a git-forge-independent way, there can still be some issues related to it (be it on Packitā€™s side or not).
    • (Forgejo-support in the underlying forge-unifying library is being researched and work can start soon.)

:link: Support:

  • For transparency, the Packit team is a Red Hat team under the same manager as the CPT team (=Copr and Mock) and in the same group as Testing Farm and other community-related projects.
  • The team works and plans in public (see the Packit Team Kanban Board) and welcomes any external contributor to collaborate.
  • To have more Fedora control over the suggested service, the team wants to deploy it to the Fedora Infrastructure OpenShift cluster and give the Fedora Infrastructure team access to it so the Packit team canā€™t become a bottleneck.
  • In case of interest, we welcome anyone to join us in this effort.
  • We are active in the #packit@fedora.im Matrix channel but a separate channel can be used to improve the communication.

A couple of links to better understand the current situation:

:link: Feedback

  • Confusion with the current Packit workflows
    • Rebranding might be needed.
  • There are concerns about fragmentation across Fedora services.
    • Packitā€™s goal is not to implement everything but rather integrate existing services and provide the best user experience. This can lead to the reduction of services users need to interact with.
    • Packit is already in the ecosystem so itā€™s about using it for more use cases.
  • STI is currently not supported by Packit.
    • Technically it can be introduced (because Testing Farm supports it), but since it has been obsoleted for some time and there is a Change Proposal to not support it, this might not be needed at all. (We can use this as an opportunity to move away.)
  • What to do about test/pipeline definition repositories? Who should be responsible for it and how to better collaborate on these?
    • As a result of this change, we would like to improve also situation around the responsibilities of shared plans and clearly state who is responsible for which part. Packit can but not need to maintain these repositories.
  • Should Packit aim to run Zuul plans for everyone? (The plans that are not run by Fedora CI.)
    • Ideally, the topic of the check choice should not be part of this change but we can do the installability check by default and let people opt-in to checks currently run by Zuul. (And make it possible to run these by default if there is a broader agreement.)
  • Should there be an opt-out mechanism for the final solution?
    • If needed, we can allow this, but ideally, there should be a broader discussion and agreement if packages can opt-out from default jobs.
  • Why not pick current solutions?
    • Covered more in the Benefits section and motivation, but the main difference is not so much in technical differences but in a team dedicated to maintaining and further developing the solution.
  • What will be the effect on Koji? Wonā€™t it increase the load because of the duplicate scratch builds?
    • At the end, there will be only a single dist-git CI so there wonā€™t be any duplicates.
    • For the opt-in phases, the duplicates are possible.
      • We can ask people to opt-out from Zuul if they opt-in to Packit-based CI. For Fedora CI, we would welcome any suggestion if there isnā€™t a way to opt-out from it.
      • We can also try to share scratch builds with other solutions but since itā€™s only for a limited time, this might not be worth the time.

:link: Benefit to Fedora

  • Single CI system to run and maintain.
    • Both for the user and resource efficiency (e.g. single scratch build, single service to maintain).
  • Reliable and actively maintained+developed CI
    • Most importantly, the Packit team offers not only the implementation but also people to support the service. (We consider this to be the main issue with the current solutions.)
    • We sadly hear regular complaints about the stability of both existing solutions and issues needing to be fixed for a long time. (This is mainly related to the previous point that people do not have enough time for it.)
    • Packit has a history of being reliable (current set of SLOs, dist-git specific ones might be defined) and has a dedicated team.
    • We also developed multiple mechanisms to make the testing process more reliable (e.g. auto-retry on infrastructure issues and so-called babysitting tasks to check for results if the result message got lost).
  • Feature-rich CI experience
    • The CI integrations do not need to be only about triggering the test job and reporting, but also about being able to rerun a particular part of the test suite or influence the test job workflow based on some rules (e.g. based on labels). People can decide what to run and if to run it automatically or manually. This is especially useful when speaking about user-defined tests.
  • Same UX for upstream and downstream
    • This would allow people to have the very same test experience and definitions both upstream and downstream.
    • Packit handles not only tests. We want to unify the experience for the whole pipeline from upstream through dist-git and Koji to Bodhi.
  • Implementation of git-forge agnostic thanks to a unified git-forge API (Pagure and GitLab are available now, Forgejo is being researched and work can start soon).
    • This work can be coordinated with the git-forge swap for a smoother transition and to save time migrating the existing solutions.
  • Possible future enhancements when this work is done:
    • Copr builds (available in upstream)
    • OpenScanHub checks (available in upstream)
    • Reverse-dependency builds/tests (via Koschei, research done)

:link: Scope

  • Proposal owners:

    • Implemement the solution following the phases above and communicate the milestones publically.
    • Update Fedora documentation.
    • Agree on the ownership of shared test plans.
  • Other developers:

No functional change that might affect maintainers. Only UX differences.

  • Release engineering: -

    • Coordination with release engineering is not required. A mass rebuild is not necessary for this change.
  • Policies and guidelines: documentation needs to be updated

  • Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

  • Alignment with the Fedora Strategy:

This proposal aligns with Fedoraā€™s strategy of improving contributor experience and easing workflows, supporting a more efficient and user-friendly ecosystem.

:link: Upgrade/compatibility impact

:link: Early Testing (Optional)

Do you require ā€˜QA Blueprintā€™ support? N

:link: How To Test

During phases 1-3, one can opt-in to this solution and try it for real. (Most probably via global configuration, similar to the Zuul approach. Team has a research task in progress on this topic. Suggestions welcome.)

:link: User Experience

  • The functionality and workflow will be preserved.
  • As a reaction to a dist-git pull request a scratch build and a follow-up test are being triggered. Users are notified about progress via statuses that lead to Packit dashboard providing more details about builds and tests.

:link: Dependencies

Ending support for STI tests (being submitted as another change) might ease the implementation.

:link: Contingency Plan

  • Contingency mechanism: (What to do? Who will do it?) N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Blocks release? No

If the implementation is not ready in time, we can (maybe temporarily) stay with one of the current solutions.

:link: Documentation

Team research about technical feasibility of this functionality: Packit as Fedora dist-git CI | Packit

:link: Release Notes

Last edited by @amoloney 2024-12-24T15:48:31Z

Last edited by @amoloney 2024-12-24T15:48:31Z

How do you feel about the proposal as written?

  • Strongly in favor
  • In favor, with reservations
  • Neutral
  • Opposed, but could be convinced
  • Strongly opposed
0 voters

If you are in favor but have reservations, or are opposed but something could change your mind, please explain in a reply.

We want everyone to be heard, but many posts repeating the same thing actually makes that harder. If you have something new to say, please say it. If, instead, you find someone has already covered what youā€™d like to express, please simply give that post a :heart: instead of reiterating. You can even do this by email, by replying with the heart emoji or just ā€œ+1ā€. This will make long topics easier to follow.

Please note that this is an advisory ā€œstraw pollā€ meant to gauge sentiment. It isnā€™t a vote or a scientific survey. See About the Change Proposals category for more about the Change Process and moderation policy.

Hi @amoloney!

I am not sure if I fully understand the process, but are we going to get feedback from FESCO soon despite this change being marked for f43? (Or, should we just wait until other proposals are processed?)

The thing is that we marked this for f43 to have more time for the change implementation and we would like to know if we should start or notā€¦:wink:

Thanks in advance for any guidanceā€¦

Hi @lachmanfrantisek Sorry this change got lost in the cracks between being on PTO over Christmas. The feedback should come from the community typically and the change stays ā€˜openā€™ for about 2-3 weeks (or as long as the thread is getting active discussion). This is gone to FESCo now though to be reviewed and voted on. The ticket is filled under #3333.

Once FESCo has reviewed and weighed in on the proposal, you can start working on it based on their guidance, if they have any.

Sorry again for my oversight on delaying processing this change!

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What does this mean for the Zuul CI stuff people use now for various Fedora projects on pagure.io (e.g. fedora-kiwi-descriptions, fedora-comps, pungi-fedora, etc.)?

HI Neal, nothing will happen to other Zuul instances/deployments/ā€¦, I hope. We do use Zuul upstream (GitHub in our case) as wellā€¦:wink: Itā€™s on Zuul stuff people to decide, but hopefully, folks will have more capacity to support these when there is no need to care about dist-git.

No problem at all, probably my fault for sending this right before the Christmasā€¦:wink:

Thatā€™s probably also the reason why there is not much attention from the community.

Nevertheless, thanks for moving it on.

Currently one of the Fedora CI tasks runs a Koji scratch build on all arches, is that expected to be supported still?

ppc64le and s390x are available in Packit last I checked. We probably want to make sure that people who run their own Kojis for secondary architectures are not affected, but theyā€™re not doing scratch builds now right? (e.g. riscv)

RISC-V scratch builds are supposed to be enabled with some work by @kevin soon.

Right now Fedora jobs have rpminspect run as part of the CI infrastructure. I am not sure if that blocks updates (it could, if there was strong consensus around rpminspect-data-fedora and a desire to address findings), but regardless of that the findings of rpminspect in Fedora directly help the downstream EL distributions inheriting Fedora sources. Will this CI system continue running rpminspect on builds?

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Good point. With architectures, we rely on the build infrastructure itself (~Koji) and could trigger anything supported there. So, we can make it the same as how it is being done now.

This solution would be able to run a set of checks in the form of shared tmt plans (i.e. rpminspect) together with a package-specified test.

Personally, I see a benefit in running this by default, but as far as I know, rpminspect is currently run on pull requests via Zuul so itā€™s actually not run by default for everyone.

Ideally, as part of this effort, I would like to make it clear who is responsible for separate parts of the workflow and also who is responsible for these default checks (like rpminspect) and who decides what is being run by default. (I donā€™t think this should be on the Packit team to decideā€¦:wink:

As part of the proposal, we suggested starting with an installability check by default and supporting rpminspect (and other Zuul-based checks) in an opt-in way. And hopefully, provide a platform to agree/decide/configure what is being run by default and what is not.

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Sorry for being so late.

I read the proposal a few times, and, probably because Iā€™m not very knowledgeable about the CI infra, even after rereading, I struggle to figure out what this proposal means.

Packit is a tool to build packages based on upstream sources. I donā€™t understand how that allows it to be the CI, which is about ā€¦ doing things with downstream packages. (I know the Change page talks about naming confusion and possible rebranding. Iā€™m very much falling into the confusion camp.)

Please explain how this system will look. What triggers what, what runs where, what are the components, what they do, who is responsible for what, which parts are visible to packagers, who has privileges to start/stop/restart/cancel things.

Iā€™m also very surprised that this has received so little feedback. What do all the folks working on QA, tests, etc., think about this?

Thanks @zbyszek for being honest and asking this.

Iā€™ll try to make it clearer:

TLDR: The ultimate goal of this proposal is to provide a drop-in replacement for Fedora CI because we, as a Packit team, can (technically) do this and believe that having a good and reliable Fedora dist-git CI is important.

The current state of Packit is that there is a variety of existing integrations that we present to users in the form of ā€œjobsā€ ā€“ people can decide what jobs are run, when and for what targets. There are two types of jobs:

  • jobs used as an upstream CI (pull-requests, branch commits or releases): copr_build, tests, (runs tmt tests in the Testing Farm), upstream_koji_build, and propose_downstream (=upstream-triggered release syncing into dist-git)
  • Fedora (and partially also CentOS Stream) automation: pull_from_upstream (Release-monitoring-triggered release syncing into dist-git), koji_build (triggered by a new dist-git commit) and bodhi_update (triggered by a successful Koji build).

Code-wise, Packit can:

  • run tests in the Testing Farm as a reaction to the upstream pull-request commit.
  • process events coming from dist-git (used for downstream jobs)

So, with quite a little effort, we can enable the test functionality on Fedora dist-git pull requests and thatā€™s our proposal/offer. In other words, Packitā€™s codebase allows us to set up a service (~git-forge integration) for running tmt-based tests on Fedora dist-git pull requests.

From the user perspective, nothing significant should change compared to what Fedora CI does today ā€“ the maintainer opens a dist-git pull request, Packit (thanks to Fedora Messaging) receives this event and triggers a test run in the Testing Farm. Once Testing Farm finishes, it notifies Packit and Packit provides a status to the dist-git pull requests.

The rebranding suggestion is there because using Packitā€™s codebase might be treated ā€œjustā€ as an implementation detail by users. Also unlike the current Packit jobs (requiring explicit configuration), Fedora dist-git CI should run for all the packages without any configuration.

There is also a discussion about shared plans like rpmlinspect. Thatā€™s possible but a slightly different topic.

Let me know if I should try again or describe it from a different angleā€¦:wink:

Maybe on me for submitting this right before Xmasā€¦

But Iā€™ve tried to ask a couple of folks already. I donā€™t want to speak on behalf of them, but overall, people look forward to more responsive dist-git CI maintainers (this is not to blame the current maintainers who have a lot on their plate!) We also received various issues of FedoraCI/Zuul that they would like to have resolved and we are trying to learn from that (e.g. how to properly match the build environment to the target version).

(I try to use Fedora dist-git CI to describe the functionality and FedoraCI for the current implementation.)

Right. And this service, is it a new service? Where does it run?

Does the packit service contain the test configuration / list? In particular, where does the configuration for the common tests like ā€œinstallabilityā€ live?


Does this proposal influence the split of tests into update.* and fedora-ci.* and the others?

So, would another way to look at this is that packit (or whatever itā€™s named) abstracts away testing farm and the like and in turn allows testing-farm to just focus on platform and not have to deal with interacting directly with requests?

Probibly just me, but I find ā€˜fedora ciā€™ pretty confusing, since it seems to mean testing-farm, zuul, resultsdb, greenwave, openqa and others all at the same time or just some subset of them.

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Iā€™ve discussed this with @zbyszek today offline but for sake of the transparency:

The ideal goal is to have a new service (~new Packit instance) running in the Fedora infrastructure OpenShift (if the infra team is fine with thatā€¦;). Since the infra preparations might take some time, during the opt-in phases, the service will run as part of the current Packit deployment.

We can (at least for the start) reuse the existing repositories like GitHub - fedora-ci/installability-pipeline: installability pipeline

The global test configuration is currently not supported but we can implement it. (Packit currently runs another installability check for upstream users when they donā€™t have any tests configured ā€“ but thatā€™s a different use case.)

OK, I meant real discussions so I donā€™t have any links sadly. But also David has asked above. This probably goes to a public check configuration that is available to contribute.

Thatā€™s a really good one and covers two parts:

  • If Packit should take care of Bodhi checks as well. => This proposal targets dist-git pull requests only but it makes sense to replace Fedora-CI Bodhi checks as well by a single service in the future.
  • If/how to split dist-git pull-request tests and Bodhi update tests. => If Packit supports both these use cases, it makes sense to provide a separate configuration for each use case.

Exactly! I was having a hard time providing a simple description like this. Thanks!

Definitely not aloneā€¦:wink: