I’ve vouched for Fedora KDE ever since F35/F34 as a user and I am one of the many that think it is the best KDE Plasma experience out there, obviously that means my time with fedora up until now has been mostly with Plasma, but even so I feel like a full swap over might be too much? Moving aside the whole “Fedora Workstation is GNOME” identity stuff, I feel like it’d bring us back to imo, the core issue:
Fedora KDE is NOT being promoted enough like it deserves to be because of its spin status, but if this proposal somehow makes it through as-is, no compromise, this would make GNOME (an absolutely excellent experience on Fedora that’s well integrated that I also vouch for in the GNOME context) be the victim of underpromotion / being unfairly represented due to it being a high quality experience in its own right compared to all the other spins (barring Sway imo).
My view as someone who wholeheartedly loves all the projects involved in the discussion, I think Fedora should expand its “identity” instead of warping itself even if it pushes the desktop I prefer. GNOME is a fantastic desktop, and that’s coming from a self proclaimed KDE fanboy, and we shouldn’t put it down because Fedora doesn’t push the KDE spin enough or because it prefers to deal with upcoming features by sticking to upstream implementations as much as possible (ie. Plasma implementing KDE specific wayland protocols while actively working to push said protocol upstream for all desktops), moving aside opinionated choices on GNOME’s end like not implementing the SSD protocol (whole other can of worms not worth discussing here).
The ideal outcome of this proposal in my eyes should be Fedora KDE graduating to a Workstation variant (Workstation KDE, Plasma Workstation, whatever) alongside the pre-existing Workstation GNOME, it is very much deserving of the status once KDE upstream implements everything that’s needed for full parity with Workstation (Initial Boot/Account Setup, the expansion of Plasma-Welcome’s functionality allowing for things like third party repo setup to be tightly integrated).
Either way, I hope for the best here, the Linux Desktop is best when we work together, much love to GNOME and the Workstation group. <3