I upgraded from F29 to F30. On rebooting, all I see is a black screen with Generating “/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt”
What do I do? I tried all four grub options with the same result. I saw no obvious errors while upgrading.
Edit1: After some time, it dropped into a terminal and I ran $(cat /run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt)
and one thing that stands out is:
systemctl: Failed to switch root: Specified switch root path '/sysroot' does not seem to be an OS tree. os-release file is missing.
Edit2: It seems my main filesystem is mounted read-only under /sysroot. Running $(ls -l /sysroot/etc/os-release)
shows it’s a symlink to “…/usr/lib/os-release”. Running $(ls -l /sysroot/usr/lib/os-release)
shows it’s a symlink to “./os.release.d/os-release-fedora”. Running $(ls -l /sysroot/usr/os.release.d)
shows it does not exist.
Edit3: I’m able to mount the main filesystem as read-write with $(mount -o remount,rw /sysroot)
. Now I just need to figure out how to correct the os-release file.
Edit4: I was able to boot successfully with:
rm /sysroot/etc/os-release
cp /usr/lib/os-release /sysroot/etc/os-release
Then I found some conflicts in dnf and ran $(dnf install --allowerasing fedora-release-workstation-30-3)
which removed fedora-release-matecompiz-30-3 and I don’t know why that was installed. Then I ran:
sudo rm /etc/os-release
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/os-release /etc/os-release
sudo reboot