Docs meeting agenda: 2023-02-22

Here’s the agenda for the meeting 2023-02-22T19:30:00Z in #fedora-meeting-1:

  • Announcements
  • Tickets review: there are no tickets flagged for the meeting on GitLab
  • Quick docs update
  • Your topics here!
  • Open floor

As discussed during open floor, I’ll continue to optimize the Web IDE related guides due to new features in GitLab upcoming release 15.11 in April.

Here are my suggestions made to GitLab Web IDE dev team.

  1. AsciiDoc syntax highlighting
    For technical writers using AsciiDoc, can you enable autodetect for syntax highlighting AsciiDoc without marketplace extension?

  2. Web IDE usage data
    Can each project track the usage of Web IDE? For example, how many commits were made by Web IDE per project and sub-project?