DNF (DNF5 on Fedora 41 Beta) downgrading packages when installing packages?

Is this a bug or a change in functionallity on DNF5

❯ doas dnf install cargo
Updating and loading repositories:
Repositories loaded.
Package                                                                 Arch             Version                                                                  Repository                                    Size
 llvm-libs                                                              i686             18.1.8-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   115.6 MiB
   replacing llvm-libs                                                  i686             19.1.0-1.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          129.2 MiB
 llvm-libs                                                              x86_64           18.1.8-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   113.5 MiB
   replacing llvm-libs                                                  x86_64           19.1.0-1.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          124.5 MiB
 mesa-dri-drivers                                                       i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   149.9 MiB
   replacing mesa-dri-drivers                                           i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          149.9 MiB
 mesa-dri-drivers                                                       x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   142.2 MiB
   replacing mesa-dri-drivers                                           x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          142.2 MiB
 mesa-filesystem                                                        i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                     3.6 KiB
   replacing mesa-filesystem                                            i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                            3.6 KiB
 mesa-filesystem                                                        x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                     3.6 KiB
   replacing mesa-filesystem                                            x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                            3.6 KiB
 mesa-libEGL                                                            i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   366.8 KiB
   replacing mesa-libEGL                                                i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          366.8 KiB
 mesa-libEGL                                                            x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   340.2 KiB
   replacing mesa-libEGL                                                x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          340.2 KiB
 mesa-libGL                                                             i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   492.8 KiB
   replacing mesa-libGL                                                 i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          492.8 KiB
 mesa-libGL                                                             x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   457.7 KiB
   replacing mesa-libGL                                                 x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          457.8 KiB
 mesa-libgbm                                                            i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    68.3 KiB
   replacing mesa-libgbm                                                i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           68.3 KiB
 mesa-libgbm                                                            x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    69.3 KiB
   replacing mesa-libgbm                                                x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           69.3 KiB
 mesa-libgbm-devel                                                      x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    18.9 KiB
   replacing mesa-libgbm-devel                                          x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           18.9 KiB
 mesa-libglapi                                                          i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   143.9 KiB
   replacing mesa-libglapi                                              i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          143.8 KiB
 mesa-libglapi                                                          x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   172.5 KiB
   replacing mesa-libglapi                                              x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          172.5 KiB
 mesa-va-drivers                                                        i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    92.0   B
   replacing mesa-va-drivers                                            i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           92.0   B
 mesa-va-drivers                                                        x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    92.0   B
   replacing mesa-va-drivers                                            x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           92.0   B
 mesa-vulkan-drivers                                                    i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   102.0 MiB
   replacing mesa-vulkan-drivers                                        i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          102.0 MiB
 mesa-vulkan-drivers                                                    x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    98.3 MiB
   replacing mesa-vulkan-drivers                                        x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           98.3 MiB
 cargo                                                                  x86_64           1.81.0-1.fc41                                                            fedora                                    20.5 MiB
Installing dependencies:
 rust                                                                   x86_64           1.81.0-1.fc41                                                            fedora                                    86.5 MiB
 rust-std-static                                                        x86_64           1.81.0-1.fc41                                                            fedora                                   142.8 MiB

Transaction Summary:
 Installing:         3 packages
 Replacing:         19 package
 Downgrading:       19 packages

Total size of inbound packages is 220 MiB. Need to download 220 MiB.
After this operation, 225 MiB extra will be used (install 973 MiB, remove 748 MiB).
Is this ok [Y/n]:

I tried and apart from my system not having any i686 packages I see upgrades not downgrades. Which could be explained by more time passing to allow updates to the repos.

Can you try again?

$ dnf install --refresh cargo
Updating and loading repositories:
 Fedora 41 - x86_64                                                             100% |  95.0 KiB/s |   6.7 KiB |  00m00s
 Fedora 41 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64                                       100% |   8.0 KiB/s | 989.0   B |  00m00s
 Fedora 41 - x86_64 - Updates                                                   100% |  69.8 KiB/s |  27.2 KiB |  00m00s
 Fedora 41 - x86_64 - Test Updates                                              100% |  93.4 KiB/s |  15.0 KiB |  00m00s
 Copr repo for tools owned by barryascott                                       100% |   2.7 KiB/s |   1.5 KiB |  00m01s
 Copr repo for tools-testing owned by barryascott                               100% |   9.1 KiB/s |   1.5 KiB |  00m00s
 Fedora 41 - x86_64                                                             100% |   1.6 MiB/s |   2.8 MiB |  00m02s
 Fedora 41 - x86_64 - Test Updates                                              100% | 707.9 KiB/s |   1.8 MiB |  00m03s
 Copr repo for tools owned by barryascott                                       100% |  13.3 KiB/s |   9.2 KiB |  00m01s
Repositories loaded.
Package                                Arch      Version                                Repository                  Size
 cargo                                 x86_64    1.81.0-4.fc41                          updates-testing         20.6 MiB
Installing dependencies:
 gcc                                   x86_64    14.2.1-3.fc41                          fedora                 104.3 MiB
 glibc-devel                           x86_64    2.40-3.fc41                            fedora                  35.0 KiB
 glibc-headers-x86                     noarch    2.40-3.fc41                            fedora                   2.2 MiB
 kernel-headers                        x86_64    6.11.0-63.fc41                         fedora                   6.4 MiB
 libxcrypt-devel                       x86_64    4.4.36-7.fc41                          fedora                  30.3 KiB
 make                                  x86_64    1:4.4.1-8.fc41                         fedora                   1.8 MiB
 rust                                  x86_64    1.81.0-4.fc41                          updates-testing         86.5 MiB
 rust-std-static                       x86_64    1.81.0-4.fc41                          updates-testing        136.5 MiB

Transaction Summary:
 Installing:         9 packages

Total size of inbound packages is 108 MiB. Need to download 108 MiB.
After this operation, 358 MiB extra will be used (install 358 MiB, remove 0 B).
Is this ok [y/N]:

I had already installed it, so I removed it and reinstalled. Probably it influenced or not things.

❯ doas dnf install cargo
Updating and loading repositories:
Repositories loaded.
Package                                                                 Arch             Version                                                                  Repository                                    Size
 llvm-libs                                                              i686             19.1.0-1.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          129.2 MiB
   replacing llvm-libs                                                  i686             18.1.8-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   115.6 MiB
 llvm-libs                                                              x86_64           19.1.0-1.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          124.5 MiB
   replacing llvm-libs                                                  x86_64           18.1.8-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   113.5 MiB
 mesa-dri-drivers                                                       i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          149.9 MiB
   replacing mesa-dri-drivers                                           i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   149.9 MiB
 mesa-dri-drivers                                                       x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          142.2 MiB
   replacing mesa-dri-drivers                                           x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   142.2 MiB
 mesa-filesystem                                                        i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                            3.6 KiB
   replacing mesa-filesystem                                            i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                     3.6 KiB
 mesa-filesystem                                                        x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                            3.6 KiB
   replacing mesa-filesystem                                            x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                     3.6 KiB
 mesa-libEGL                                                            i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          366.8 KiB
   replacing mesa-libEGL                                                i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   366.8 KiB
 mesa-libEGL                                                            x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          340.2 KiB
   replacing mesa-libEGL                                                x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   340.2 KiB
 mesa-libGL                                                             i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          492.8 KiB
   replacing mesa-libGL                                                 i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   492.8 KiB
 mesa-libGL                                                             x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          457.8 KiB
   replacing mesa-libGL                                                 x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   457.7 KiB
 mesa-libgbm                                                            i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           68.3 KiB
   replacing mesa-libgbm                                                i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    68.3 KiB
 mesa-libgbm                                                            x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           69.3 KiB
   replacing mesa-libgbm                                                x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    69.3 KiB
 mesa-libgbm-devel                                                      x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           18.9 KiB
   replacing mesa-libgbm-devel                                          x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    18.9 KiB
 mesa-libglapi                                                          i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          143.8 KiB
   replacing mesa-libglapi                                              i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   143.9 KiB
 mesa-libglapi                                                          x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          172.5 KiB
   replacing mesa-libglapi                                              x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   172.5 KiB
 mesa-va-drivers                                                        i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           92.0   B
   replacing mesa-va-drivers                                            i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    92.0   B
 mesa-va-drivers                                                        x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           92.0   B
   replacing mesa-va-drivers                                            x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    92.0   B
 mesa-vulkan-drivers                                                    i686             24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          102.0 MiB
   replacing mesa-vulkan-drivers                                        i686             24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                   102.0 MiB
 mesa-vulkan-drivers                                                    x86_64           24.2.3-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           98.3 MiB
   replacing mesa-vulkan-drivers                                        x86_64           24.2.3-2.fc41                                                            fedora                                    98.3 MiB
 cargo                                                                  x86_64           1.81.0-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           20.6 MiB
Installing dependencies:
 rust                                                                   x86_64           1.81.0-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                           86.5 MiB
 rust-std-static                                                        x86_64           1.81.0-4.fc41                                                            updates-testing                          136.5 MiB

Transaction Summary:
 Installing:         3 packages
 Upgrading:         19 packages
 Replacing:         19 package

Total size of inbound packages is 227 MiB. Need to download 227 MiB.
After this operation, 268 MiB extra will be used (install 992 MiB, remove 724 MiB).
Is this ok [Y/n]: