I would wait a little for the other user and compare, but I expect this issue results in another bug report. I wonder if the user in the other topic has only the one swtpm denial or if there are more that maybe are logged a moment later, or maybe even earlier. In the confined user SIG tests I experienced that some errors have had their cause in denials that occurred during the start of the GUI, so much earlier. I don’t think this is the case here, but having a look of the entries over some seconds can be indicative. However, wait a day or two to see, but my guess is at this time that we have discovered another policy issue, but one that is related to the previous one.
Another question in advance: can you report any change in logs or behavior after today’s update?
Btw, it would be appreciated if you provide the same data (the data of a dedicated boot) for comparison as I asked the other user for here