I have compared the CPU scale when charging and not. When charging, the CPU actually takes more power, but why is there a decrease in CPU scaling that makes the CPU only run below 50 percent of what it should, even though I always choose performance in power mode
Even if it is above 50 percent, it is unstable and lags, unlike when it is not charged, the percentage increases to 65-80 percent
and makes the laptop running smoothly
I don’t know if this is a firmware problem or if my charger has a problem, but it looks like my charger is in good condition
or its gnome problem?
not charged
lscpu | grep MHz
CPU(s) scaling MHz: 71%
CPU max MHz: 4056.0000
CPU min MHz: 400.0000
lscpu | grep MHz
CPU(s) scaling MHz: 69%
CPU max MHz: 4056.0000
CPU min MHz: 400.0000
lscpu | grep MHz
CPU(s) scaling MHz: 51%
CPU max MHz: 4056.0000
CPU min MHz: 400.0000
lscpu | grep MHz
CPU(s) scaling MHz: 38%
CPU max MHz: 4056.0000
CPU min MHz: 400.0000