Here’s the agenda for the Council meeting 2025-02-26T15:00:00Z→2025-02-12T16:00:00Z:
- Hackfest summaries follow ups
- [amoloney] Policies summary - TODO
- [mattdm] Strategy summary -
- [sumantrom] Mindshare refocus summary -
- [jflory] Budget summary -
- [bookwar] AI Guidelines - In Progress
- [amoloney] Recap on how the council works - DONE
- Git Forge Update
- Formal vote required on approving this as a community initiative Issue #525: Community Initiative Proposal: Git Forge Initiative 2025 - tickets -
- Clarifications needed from initaitive team:
- Confirm what are the (new?) rules on general project hosting in the new forge setup. Do we need to create some criteria? Is there an approval process a new project must follow?
- The team wants to turn off new repo creation in pagure as it will affect the first milestone - what wording would the council like to use for this?
All are welcome to join us in #fedora-meeting