Can't change the accent colours back

A while back I installed an extension while still on gnome ver 46. I changed the accent and everything seemed to work almost good, most of the accents (like in system settings) were chaged, but some weren’t so I let them be. I never really thought about it since I was satisfied with how it looks, however, I just recently updated to gnome 47 + fedora 41 and noticed that the accent feature was now built in. I tried to change the accents to different colours, but the accents were stuck on the pink colour I set with the extension. I tried to fix it, disable it and even removed the extension, but the colour stays stuck on the pink that was set with the extension.

I also tried using

sudo machinectl shell gdm@ $(which gsettings) set org.gnome.desktop.interface accent-color “red”

but all I got was

Connected to the local host. Press ^] three times within 1s to exit session.

Connection to the local host terminated.

All it did was only change the greeter colour to red.
Is there any way to restore the accents so they are changeable again?

Hi and welcome to :fedora: .

What is the output from gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface accent-color, and from gsettings range org.gnome.desktop.interface accent-color?

Hi and thanks! For gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface accent-color it’s red and for gsettings range org.gnome.desktop.interface accent-color it’s


The below command should usually work, but I expect it won’t in your case. Nevertheless, please try running it:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface accent-color 'blue'

If it’s not working, maybe some dconf configurations got messed up. You could try resetting the ones under /org/gnome:

dconf dump / > ~/Documents/dconf.backup # Back up the dconf db
dconf reset -f /org/gnome/ # Reset keys under specified path

Check afterwards if it is working from GNOME Software.

Yeah, I have tried both of the commands, but it pretty much stayed the same as it was before.

You could try resetting the whole dconf db (dconf reset -f /) but that might not change anything either.

If you create a new user, does the issue replicate?

I have not tried resetting yet, but I have tried creating a new user and the problem does not stay, its only on my primary user.

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Just reset the dconf but it’s still the same.

Apparently you need to manually remove the gtk.css files from ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css and ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css and reset the theme in GNOME Tweaks.

See bug report for details.


Thanks! That helped : )

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