Can I (wisely) share the home directory between two different official fedora spins?

Hi! I’m getting a new laptop soon, one from Tuxedo Computers actually. As a result, I’ve been thinking about what I want to run on it; mainly, since the Tuxedo Computers software tools are designed for ubuntu but I prefer to use Fedora for my daily driver, I’ve been researching dual-booting. One thing that I’ve been thinking about, in addition to using the ubuntu-based Tuxedo OS provided by the manufacturer, is the possibility of using two different Fedora Spins. I love KDE Plasma, especially its customization, and have been using it for most of the time I’ve used Linux, but it can be fairly heavy, and I’ve really grown to appreciate the simplistic design of GNOME-based apps. Naturally I researched what difficulties there are in running two DEs on one OS, and it doesn’t seem like a good idea for someone like me who’s only been using Linux for a year. I realize that you can mount another OS’s filesystem to access it while within the other OS, but based on what I’ve read about why sharing a home directory between distros is not recommended, it seems like the main issue is that configuration can get messed up by having different versions of apps installed on each OS. But in the case of two different official Fedora spins who have the same repositories configured, would that still apply? Are there other disadvantages to sharing a home directory that would apply here? Stuff like that.

Sorry for the wall of text; I generally prefer to provide more details rather than end up missing a critical one. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read (and hopefully answer) my question!

What do you mean by heavy? On modern hardware should be running any spin with easy I would expect.

As for sharing home between spins, I would not expect there to be an issue as I would expect each spin to use its own unique config files.

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If you prefer the simplicity of GNOME apps, you can install them either via RPM or Flatpak without needing the entire desktop environment or another full Fedora Spin.

You certainly can share the data from within a users home. However it seems wise to have a discrete /home/USER for each OS then a data sub-directory (or more than one) that does not contain the config files to avoid potential version or setting conflicts between the different OSes.

For example, the Downloads, Documents, Music, Videos sub-directories do not normally contain config data so they could be shared. However, ~/.config, ~/.local, and most of the other directories or files whose names begin with a dot are mostly config data and may cause issues if shared.,