Bluetooth Always Enabled on Startup in Fedora KDE

Hi everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue with Bluetooth on my Fedora KDE setup. Every time I boot up my system, Bluetooth is automatically enabled, even though I don’t need it to be on at startup. I would prefer to have Bluetooth off by default and manually enable it when I need it.

I use systemctl to start/stop the Bluetooth service on my Gnome Fedora Workstation:

  • To stop the Bluetooth service right now: systemctl stop bluetooth
  • To prevent the Bluetooth service from starting after reboot: systemctl disable bluetooth
  • To start the Bluetooth service right now: systemctl start bluetooth
  • To make sure that the Bluetooth service will sart after each system reboot: systemctl enable bluetooth

Edit the /etc/bluetooth/main.conf file as root (e.g. sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/main.conf).

Scroll down to find “#AutoEnable=true”

Remove the “#” and change “true” to “false”


Reference - Bluetooth - ArchWiki