

Build of the latest commit of Emacs with SQLite, Tree-sitter, WEBP and XInput 2 enabled. Package is based on emacs-pretest-rpm repository and by default is built with pure GTK enabled. Other variants (gtk+x11, lucid and nw) are also available.

Installation Instructions

Enable this COPR repository:

sudo dnf copr enable alternateved/nightly-emacs

Install latest build of package:

sudo dnf install nightly-emacs

or update already installed version:

sudo dnf update nightly-emacs

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

* Total number of downloaded packages.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thanks, I tried doing this myself but had no success. I see that you enabled builds for 41 and Tumbleweed. I’m on 40 still because I use Nobara. Can you test-enable 40 builds for Fedora 40?

Just an update: I ran a build for Fedora 40 on a fork and it succeeded, so I think It’s safe to enable them here.

Haha, did not expect that someone is going to use that one, so I’ve only enabled builds for versions that I use. Sure, I will enable Fedora 40 as well.

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Thanks again, I first compiled Emacs from source after the addition of Eglot and tree-sitter modes and have been recompiling it from time to time after that. Now I can just update the system and Emacs will be updated too!

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You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

Hello, thanks for developing this package, will there be a possibility to make another build with support for xwidget or igc branch?

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Hi @developmentcool2449, xwidgets are disabled because of #66068 - 30.0.50; xwidget-webkit-browse-url makes Emacs abort - GNU bug report logs. I tried a while ago to maintain a separate branch with tty-child-frames feature enabled but considering how long it took to build every configuration of Emacs, I’ve dropped it - therefore I might not maintain another build with igc branch.

I’ve reconsidered my opinion and since Emacs 30.1 was released (which makes bleeding-emacs build “finished” for now) I might give it a try here: alternateved/nightly-emacs-igc Copr

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Hi @developmentcool2449, xwidgets are disabled because of #66068 - 30.0.50; xwidget-webkit-browse-url makes Emacs abort - GNU bug report logs.

Oh, i didn’t know about the current state of xwidgets, i guess it makes sense not to build it.

I tried a while ago to maintain a separate branch with tty-child-frames feature enabled but considering how long it took to build every configuration of Emacs, I’ve dropped it - therefore I might not maintain another build with igc branch.

As far as i know tty-child-frames is already in emacs-31 (master).
I have tried it with your buildings and it seems to work perfectly.

I’ve reconsidered my opinion and since Emacs 30.1 was released (which makes bleeding-emacs build “finished” for now) I might give it a try here: alternateved/nightly-emacs-igc Copr

Oh, so there’s a chance that this copr will be abandoned?
What a shame since this package has helped me test the latest commits without having to wait hours for the build to finish.

But I still appreciate what you did.

And I also appreciate you making a copr with igc, I would recommend that you put it in the description so more people know about it.

I was applying scratch/tty-child-frames branch as a patch for master a while ago before it got merged into master. That was pretty convoluted. No issues since it became a part of master, I’m using it as well with nightly-emacs builds.

Oh, so there’s a chance that this copr will be abandoned?
What a shame since this package has helped me test the latest commits without having to wait hours for the build to finish.

Not sure which COPR do you have in mind. My plans are to update bleeding-emacs COPR to Emacs 31 when Emacs gets emacs-31 branch (so for a while I’m just going to push there 30-related updates). Until then Emacs 31 will live on nightly-emacs and I plan to keep it updated. I hope that makes sense.

I’ve changed igc COPR to alternateved/igc-emacs Copr. Apologies for renaming this project. I think there should be a build of Emacs with -with-mps flag set to yes available in a couple of hours.

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Not sure which COPR do you have in mind. My plans are to update bleeding-emacs COPR to Emacs 31 when Emacs gets emacs-31 branch (so for a while I’m just going to push there 30-related updates). Until then Emacs 31 will live on nightly-emacs and I plan to keep it updated.

Oh, I think I misunderstood, I thought you meant emacs-nighly, I apologize.

I’ve changed igc COPR to alternateved/igc-emacs Copr. Apologies for renaming this project. I think there should be a build of Emacs with -with-mps flag set to yes available in a couple of hours.

No problem, thanks for doing the build :slight_smile: