Youtube Studders Everytime my Microphone Picks up a Loud Sound


I’m using a Fedora Variant, and for the last while I noticed that playback on Youtube started studdering, seemingly at random. Like if I was mashing the space button over and over again. The media player on the taskbar would pause-and-play on loop. The loop stops if I hit the space bar while the Youtube window is active.

Further troubleshooting had me realise that this happens everytime I made a loud sound, like cough or laugh. The issue is reproducible if I cough, laugh, or shout into my microphone - a yeti-style on a stand, USB enabled, with a headphone jack for hearing what the mic picks up.

The bolluck? Googling what this could be turns up nothing. Any suggestions would be great. Let me know if you need any additional information.

If you are playing a video and do not need the microphone active then mute it. That should stop the interference caused by sounds where you are.

In the past there have been many complaints from users about snooping on the environment by monitoring mic inputs (think google and the like) so I always keep my mic muted unless I am actively using it.