
Repo with latest version of the KDE Frameworks (5.60.0), KDE Plasma (5.16.4) and KDE Applications (19.04.3). __NOTE__: Plasma 5.16 wasn't built for Fedora 29, because it requires Qt version 5.12 or newer. If you find that some KDE package is missing or found packaging issue feel free to report the issue at [github.com@ZaWertun/fedora-copr-kde5 - Issues](https://github.com/ZaWertun/fedora-copr-kde5/issues). ### Switching to KWin-lowlatency (no Wayland support): 1. `sudo dnf update --refresh` 2. `sudo dnf install --allowerasing kwin-lowlatency && sudo dnf update --refresh -y` 3. `kwin_x11 --replace &` ### Switching back to normal KWin: `sudo dnf install --allowerasing kwin` Done!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/xshramx/kde/