Workstation Working Group - Call for participation

Due to schedule constraints and other time commitments, Rex Dieter and
Paul Frields are looking to step down from the Workstation Working Group. We
really appreciate the work that Rex and Paul have put in over the last
several years! So, we’re looking for at least two new members. If we
have more than two good candidates, we’ll consider increasing the size
of the WG.

The basic goal of the Workstation Working Group is to move forward the
Workstation Edition of Fedora forward - the WG is responsible for
making sure we ship a polished product, for making decisions about
proposed technical changes that are specific to the Workstation, and
for setting the overall direction for future development of the
Workstation Edition. There is a particular emphasis at the moment on
the Silverblue project - on making Fedora work great as an image and
container based operating system.

Responsibilities of a WG member are:

  • Attend and participate in bi-weekly IRC meetings. Currently these
    are at 13:00 UTC on Mondays - the day and (to some extent) the time
    will be reconsidered when we have a new composition.
  • Take action items at the meetings and follow up - actions usually
    involve communication and research.
  • Follow issues reported against
    Overview - fedora-workstation -, and bring things that come to
    your attention that need working group attention there.

We’d like the new members to increase the diversity of viewpoints
represented in the working group. So, we’d especially encourage
participation from people, who meet some of the following criteria:

  • From groups underrepresented in Free and Open Source Software
  • Not working for Red Hat
  • Not directly working on the GNOME desktop

If you are interested in joining the Working Group team, or think you
might be interested and have questions, please mail me privately or
follow up here.

Owen Taylor <>


I volunteer to be a part of the Fedora Workstation Working Group, it sounds interesting and potentially challenging.