Wine 10.0 Broke Existing App

Fedora 40 Xfce

I’ve been using Quicken 2012 via Wine for quite a while… in fact probably since 2012 and it has mostly worked fine. On Jan 14th I ran dnf check-upgrade and noticed a new version of Wine, so I upgraded from 9.15-1 to 10.0-0.7rc4.

Now when I try to start my Wine Quicken app the window appears but many things within the window don’t work. For instance clicking on anything in the menu bar does nothing. If I try to move the window by click-dragging on the title bar, I can only move the window vertically, it won’t move horizontally. And as soon as I release the mouse button, the window shifts left. Even worse, if I close the window (using the upper-left X button) and start the app again, the window is now shifted left wherever it was when I closed it. Looking at it right now, 3/4 of the window is off the left side of the screen and only the right most 1/4 is visible.

Thinking this might be something related to the window manager I tried to run winecfg and check the “Window settings” under the “Graphics” tab. Problem is the winecfg window is also shifted left mostly off the screen and I have the same problem if I try to move the window by click-dragging the title bar, the window can’t be moved horizontally only vertically and as soon as I release the mouse, the window shifts even more to the left further off screen.

Is there any way to check the winecfg “Graphics->Window settings” without running winecfg? Are those settings stored in a config file somewhere?

Any help figuring out how to fix this would be appreciated.