Where are Gnote files stored?

where can I find my Gnote files?
I’m using Fedora 40 workstation with Gnome,
a GUI method please,
if I can see them in the Home folder

That should be in the home directory, under .local/share/gnote.

For a GUI method, you could paste ~/.local/share/gnote in Files’ address bar.

no gnote folder was found

I also opened the local share (with hidden files)
no gnote folder found

What happens when you run in terminal find $HOME -iname "gnote"?

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Try this:


The .note do have strange names like:


Under >Preferences you can set a >Syncronisation folder: local, online & WebDAV

You might have first to create some notes


[emmanuelninos@fedora ~]$ ~/.local/share/gnote
bash: /home/emmanuelninos/.local/share/gnote: No such file or directory


with this command
find $HOME -iname “gnote”
I saw that the Gnote folder is in
home var app
and it is named " org.gnome.Gnote "
so I can easily find it in GUI

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So it’s a Flatpak.

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I suppose so.
I didn’t remember that I had installed it from glathub.