What is good matrix client

i am on Fedora cosmic now and it came nheko matrix that is qt based didint like it and since element isint available on fedora repos there is flatpak option, but not yet on there

is there element x coming for fedora repos or any good alterantives for cosmic

went for now thunderbird chat it is decent only it dosent show previous chats logs starts when you connect it but i guess it is ok for now one app for all mails, calendar, chats, contacts etc

Did you try fractal?


Never heard of that will check it out

Element (im.riot.Riot) from the flathub flatpak gives you an experience pretty close to the mobile client. In addition, it supports multiple profiles. Under Wayland, yoy might want to start it as flatpak run im.riot.Riot --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations. (Some of these options might not be necessary any more - they were in the past.)

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that was really nice after looking fractal it looked really nice and looking from website there is only flatpak version, but lucky me i remebered i can search it from dnf if it is as rpm packaged on fedora and it was it is perfect for cosmic actually way much better look and feel than nheko.

not so much settings to tweak on app it just sign in and done atleast for now

fractal is on top right

That one uses Electron, using the browser app (with Chromium also possible as a real webapp) is more secure and lower on memory

For this the true minimalist may also choose to run Weechat in a terminal :wink:


Well but it is also usable XD