[Website - Proposal] Revert back to a click-to-open menu

Following the discussion that happened here, I would like to propose a change to the navigation menu on the main Fedora website.

Initially, the navigation menu was made in javascript and its interactions were click based, meaning that the user had to click on a section (“Get Fedora”, “Contributors”, etc…) to open it and click again to close it (same for the subsections like “Editions”, “Atomic Desktops”, etc…). Then a refactoring took place and the whole menu was redesigned in pure CSS. This redesign introduced a new interactions system that was hover based.

As discussed in the previous post, the hovering system does not work well with big menus that take the entire screen width like the one on the fedora website. The user can easily make a mistake by hovering over the wrong section/subsection by accident while moving the mouse to reach for its target and it doesn’t make for a very pleasant experience. A pinning system has been introduced to mitigate this issue, but with the hovering being the default, I doubt most of the users are aware of its existence.

It is my firm belief that the click-to-open menu we had one year ago was much better in term of user experience and therefore, my proposal is the following: drop the hovering interactions and revert back to a fully click based menu.

  • I would prefer to revert back to having a click-to-open menu
  • I would prefer to keep the hover-to-open menu as it is
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