Wanna see BSC as .rpm in Fedora

please take a look at GitHub - IlyaGrebnov/libbsc: High performance block-sorting data compression library
Since I use it extensively, it would be nice somehow to be integrated as a package.
I was asking this on forums.fedoraforum.org but was redirected here.
The comparison with several other superstrong tools:
Wanna see BSC as .rpm in Fedora

You need to find a maintainer for this package or become the one yourself.

Here’s a working specfile and the relevant building instructions for Fedora Copr:

sudo dnf install copr-cli

tee /tmp/bsc.sh << "EOI" > /dev/null
tee bsc.spec << "EOF" > /dev/null
%global source_date_epoch_from_changelog 0

Name: bsc
Version: 3.3.4
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: bsc compression utility
License: Apache-2.0
URL: https://github.com/IlyaGrebnov/libbsc
Source: %{url}/archive/v%{version}/lib%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: make
BuildRequires: clang
BuildRequires: libomp-devel
Provides: /bin/%{name}

A program and a library for lossless, block-sorting data compression.

%autosetup -n lib%{name}-%{version}

%make_build all

%make_install install

%license LICENSE

'A program and a library for lossless, block-sorting data compression.

Homepage: [GitHub](https://github.com/IlyaGrebnov/libbsc)'
'Install the packages after enabling this Copr repo:
sudo dnf install bsc

copr create bsc \
--chroot fedora-rawhide-$(arch) \
--chroot fedora-$(rpm -E %{fedora})-$(arch) \
--description "${COPR_DESCR}" \
--instructions "${COPR_INSTR}"

copr add-package-custom bsc \
--name bsc \
--script /tmp/bsc.sh

copr build-package bsc \
--name bsc

However, note that both the specfile and makefile still require some extra work to match the Fedora packaging guidelines.


Thanks for links,
the process is too complicated for me,
besides, it is no good a novice amateur like me to maintain such an IMPORTANT RPM! As far as I know, RedHat and Fedora for that matter lack such superawesome console tool - state-of-the-art, straight up.
I see three ways to put BSC in Linux distributions:

  • Some Fedora maintainer to take it to heart;
  • Other maintainers (outside RedHat) enriching their distros;
  • Isn’t there an AI assistant, or even better an automatic creator of GitHub2RPM agent!

To be clear, any user can create a Copr repo to build and publish RPM packages.
As far as I know, there’s currently no other way to automate this process, although some steps can be simplified by including the specfile in the Git repo.

Github is only source control, it does not proscribe how software is built.
For ecosystems that do proscribe a build process there is simple automation available,
python’s PyPI and rust’s cargo I have used.

That means that you need a maintainer that understands Fedora’s packaging and how to build BSC.

Our AI overlords are too busy fantasising to do packaging for Fedora :slight_smile:

Let me start off by saying, that this is not against you in any way but more so an education on maintaining packages and community request while compounding mental helath and the most valuable thing we have. . . Time.

We were all novices and amateurs at some point.

The beauty of Open Source, is the “. . . Fine I’ll do it myself” attitude and initiative maintainers and developers have. The downside of Open Source is the pressure to maintain and develop packages, release by release for a community which in turn can be rather ungrateful or unappreciative of the efforts. All packages are important. We have evidence of this with the recent XZ fiasco.

If you start the project, maybe you can gather efforts from other to join you and build up the project to a respectable degree. Adding more work, which is sometimes voluntary to maintainers is not a good approach.

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