Usb port issues

Hi everyone,

I am experiencing issues using my usb ports. One port works and two don’t.
Never had that happen, any suggestions are appreciated.

At the moment of writing, I am running a Fedora 40 workstation.

USB ports can be damaged by ESD. That is more likely in dry climates (or dry air in winter heating conditions), but thunderstorms can also damage computer gear. Vendors often provide hardware diagnostic programs, some are quite intensive and might detect ESD damage. I once had an ethernet port that passed vendor tests but visual inspection revealed burned components near the jack.

Is this a laptop or a desktop? If it’s a desktop, is it the USB ports on the front of the case and if so have you checked the obvious that they’re still attached to the board?

If you run sudo dmesg -W in a terminal, you should see messages when you plug things into it and take things out. If you’re not seeing any messages there, then you have a hardware problem.

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The issue was caused by an update. After rebooting everything is back as it was.
It was the latest update for Fedora 40 Workstation.

Did you reboot to an older kernel or just reboot with the latest kernel?

Yes, I forgot to mention that detail.
The reboot was with the latest kernel.