Updates-testing - Fedora 37 - x86_64 - Test Updates repo not disabled after fedora 37 stable update

After updating fedora 37 beta to stable the updates-testing - Fedora 37 - x86_64 - Test Updates repository is not disabled

Try this:
DNF System Upgrade :: Fedora Docs

If the above not helps just deactivate it with the manual below:
Adding or removing software repositories in Fedora :: Fedora Docs

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You should also be able to enable or disable repo’s in Gnome Software as well.


Unfortunately the information about Gnome is missing. So I gave the command line version to be compatible with all DE’s :slight_smile:

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There is multiple application installed with that repo. Will I receive updates after manually disabling?

sudo dnf repolist --enabled
Will show you all of the repositories that are enabled.
sudo dnf repolist --disabled
Will show you all of the repositories that are disabled.

Minus me having updates-testing and rpmfusion-free/nonfree updates testing enabled should looks something like:

repo id                                            repo name
fedora                                             Fedora 37 - x86_64
fedora-cisco-openh264                              Fedora 37 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64
fedora-modular                                     Fedora Modular 37 - x86_64
rpmfusion-free                                     RPM Fusion for Fedora 37 - Free
rpmfusion-free-updates                             RPM Fusion for Fedora 37 - Free - Updates
rpmfusion-free-updates-testing                     RPM Fusion for Fedora 37 - Free - Test Updates
rpmfusion-nonfree                                  RPM Fusion for Fedora 37 - Nonfree
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates                          RPM Fusion for Fedora 37 - Nonfree - Updates
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing                  RPM Fusion for Fedora 37 - Nonfree - Test Updates
updates                                            Fedora 37 - x86_64 - Updates
updates-modular                                    Fedora Modular 37 - x86_64 - Updates
updates-testing                                    Fedora 37 - x86_64 - Test Updates
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