Update fedora from 29 to 31,but getting 29 conflicting requests


I think that the problem is caused by some erroneous behavior in Fedora modularity. Modularity in F29 was switched on by default and if you are consuming some modular content, you can arrive into troubles, because that modular content might stop exist in F30 or F31, so there is no way to upgrade, because the target is simply missing.

You should try the following:

  • Run dnf module list --enabled to see if you have some modular streams enabled.
  • Run dnf module list --installed if you have some modules installed.
  • If so, you might want to remove them with dnf module remove <module>.
  • Even more importantly, you need to reset the state of the modules using dnf module reset <module> to drop the modular information.
  • Then you can try upgrading the system.
  • If you want to be on the safe side, disabling modular repos, after you have uninstalled and reset everything might help, too.

If you need an application that is only provided by a module, which in F31 should not generally be the case, you will reinstall it, when you have upgraded.