Unoconv is getting old, will unoserver be supported as a package in fedora

I was writing a bash function to generally support showing different files in text form. For some document types I was using ‘unoconv’ which is packaged in Fedora 41 as package “unoconv” but the project page shows this is becoming unsupported

unoconv is deprecated

and ‘unoserver’ is better supported.
Ref: unoserver project page

If I try to use unoconv against many filetypes it throws python errors because the Python3 in Fedora 41 is too new for unoconv

/usr/bin/unoconv:828: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
  if product.ooName not in ('LibreOffice', 'LOdev') or LooseVersion(product.ooSetupVersion) <= LooseVersion('3.3'):
unoconv: UnoException during export phase:
Unable to store document to file:///home/mos/Downloads/Transactions%2013-Dec-2024%2019-24-17.pdf (Error ({ ({ Message = (string)"SfxBaseModel::impl_store <file:///home/mos/Downloads/Transactions%2013-Dec-2024%2019-24-17.pdf> failed: 0x4c0c(Error Area:Sfx Class:Write Code:12)", Context = ({} } })

Just to show what the errors are that are occurring due to unoconv getting old. Unoserver seems to be a rewrite and improvement on unoconv and not just a version that would be compatible to python3 3.13

Interesting, I don’t get this warning … forgot that I use:

--- /usr/bin/unoconv    2024-07-20 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ /home/mjg/bin/unoconv       2021-11-15 22:25:51.567643387 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from packaging.version import parse as LooseVersion
 import getopt
 import glob
 import os

I don’t think unoserver is packaged yet, but you can install it with pip install or pipx install --system-site-packages. AFAIU it is meant to pick up and use the system installed LibreOffice and python module. It works over here, in a first quick test.

I suspect that error is thrown only on some particular files, I’d have to literally give you one of my files that shows the error with unoconv.

this is another report of the unoconv error so it’s not just me: