Unable to install nordvpn on Fedora using the instructions on official page

My personal opinion is to install VPN always as layered since flatpkas might have still restrictions and quirks how they work

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But the commands mentioned on official page start with dnf and it does not work on fedora silverblue. Are there modified commands instead

Go to downloads folder use the Winget command to download the package there

Then use rpm-ostree install protonvpn-stable-release-1.0.1-2.noarch.rpm

Reboot after

You could try and test the flatpak version if this gets too complicated or time consuming at least first

i think it should be safe to use proton vpn free at the system level while i use nordvpn in the browser

as far as i remember i tried many commands however most likely i typed the below command
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/secureblue/silverblue-main-hardened:latest

and later after reboot i got the fedora secureblue pop up window

i contacted nordvpn customer support and the provided the below solution. will try that the second time as it did not work when i tried it the first time

Isabel Bonilla (NordVPN)

Oct 29, 2024, 11:05 GMT+2


Thank you for your reply.

The NordVPN version 3.19 is a stable release.

Please try to reinstall the Nord application to the latest version 3.19.

sudo rpm-ostree uninstall nordvpn

Download the RPM package:

wget https://repo.nordvpn.com/yum/nordvpn/centos/x86_64/Packages/n/nordvpn-3.19.0-1.x86_64.rpm

And install it:

sudo rpm-ostree install /path/to/package.rpm

Afterward, reboot the system.

sudo systemctl reboot

That doesn’t work the issue is nordVPN 3.19.0 with network manager and modem manager etc with there latest ripped package to reduced size almost 13MB smaller size than stable 3.18.5.

These issues happen on Ubuntu, openSUSE, fedora etc and only atomics are affected for can’t install nordVPN 3.19.0 others normal version you can install but you have constant network manager disconnect issues, nordvpnd needs to restart, Killswitch gets stuck and need to restart system

I have been debugging these issue for month or more with NordVPN and sending logs and they have confirmed that there is lots of issues for 3.19 and they are working on fixes, but don’t have idea when so I recommend to stay on 3.18.5 since it works just works

there is issue only on Fedora atomics where nordvpn version 3.18.5 is last working version.

i am testing openSUSE Aeon and Kalpa and nordVPN 3.19.1 is working no issues on those systems so issue is more deeper on atomic side

Hello everyone,

I came here to try to find a solution, but without success.

I am still stuck with nordvpn-3.18.5-1.x86_64 on my fedora silverblue

I also tried to use it via toolbox, but I keep failing to either run the systemctl or set the correct usermod properly

If anyone have some update, please write here, I would love to have latest 3.19.x nordvpn version in my machine

you cant run it from toolbox yet or maybe, but it needs --init --systemd --root access minimum

i have been debuging issue and it seems to be bug on rpm-ostree tar atleast i hope it is and i reported that bug yesterday

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Can someone paste here (or somewhere else) the scripts from the RPM?

$ rpm -qp --scripts *.rpm

there script sh <(curl -sSf https://downloads.nordcdn.com/apps/linux/install.sh) wont run on DNF5 and cant use it on atomics since rpm-ostree dont have run script installation

they removed all .deb and .rpm downloads from nordaccount

what i do now is making repo

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/nordvpn.repo << "EOF" > /dev/null

anything else you need let me know i try to provide all


I need the output of the command I pasted above, run on a the latest RPM from the repo: Index of /yum/nordvpn/centos/x86_64/Packages/n/

Give 30-60 minutes and I will get you the results

output on latest workin version 3.18.5

phatle@kinoite:/var/home/phatle/Downloads$ rpm -qp --scripts nordvpn-3.18.5-1.x86_64.rpm
warning: nordvpn-3.18.5-1.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 5c964ca1: NOKEY
postinstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

DEFAULT_USER=${SUDO_USER:-"$(logname 2> /dev/null)"}
if [[ ! "$DEFAULT_USER" || "$DEFAULT_USER" == "root" ]]; then
    DEFAULT_USER=$(id -un -- "1000" 2> /dev/null)
ENV=$(ps --no-headers -o comm 1)
installSuccess="NordVPN for Linux successfully installed!"
userModMessage="To allow other users to use the application run 'usermod -aG $NORDVPN_GROUP otheruser'."
userAddMessage=', please re-login or execute `su - $USER` in the current shell'
if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
quickTutorial="To get started${userShowMessage}, type 'nordvpn login' and enter your NordVPN account details. Then type 'nordvpn connect' and you’re all set! $userModMessage If you need help using the app, use the command 'nordvpn --help'."

groupadd --system "$NORDVPN_GROUP" 1>/dev/null 2> /dev/null

if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
    usermod -aG "$NORDVPN_GROUP" "$DEFAULT_USER"
    echo "Adding user $DEFAULT_USER to the group $NORDVPN_GROUP"

mkdir -m 0750 -p "$LOG_DIR"
chown root:$NORDVPN_GROUP "$LOG_DIR"

# @TODO do we need this
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/${DEFAULT_USER_ID}"

case "$1" in
        update-desktop-database 2> /dev/null
        gpasswd -M "" "$NORDVPN_GROUP"
        if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
            usermod -aG "$NORDVPN_GROUP" "$DEFAULT_USER"
            echo "$ADD_USER_MESSAGE"
        case "$ENV" in
                update-rc.d nordvpn defaults &>/dev/null || :
                /etc/init.d/nordvpn restart &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl daemon-reload &>/dev/null || :
                systemd-tmpfiles --create || :
                systemctl enable nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl enable nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl start nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl start nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
                mkdir -p /dev/net || :
                [[ -c /dev/net/tun ]] || mknod -m 0666 /dev/net/tun c 10 200 || :
                [[ -e /usr/sbin/ip ]] || ln -s /sbin/ip /usr/sbin/ip || :
        if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
            su -c 'source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/nordvpn' "${DEFAULT_USER}" &>/dev/null || :

        echo "$installSuccess"
        echo "$quickTutorial"
        # on upgrade add user only if group did not exist before
        if [[ "$groupCreated" -eq 0 ]]; then
            if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
                usermod -aG "$NORDVPN_GROUP" "$DEFAULT_USER"
                echo "$ADD_USER_MESSAGE"

exit 0

preuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

ENV=$(ps --no-headers -o comm 1)

case "$1" in
        case "$ENV" in
                /etc/init.d/nordvpn stop &>/dev/null || :
                update-rc.d -f nordvpn remove &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl stop nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl stop nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl disable nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl disable nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl daemon-reload &>/dev/null || :
            *sh) # executed in docker
                echo "[ERROR] Unknown environment \`$ENV'"

exit 0
postuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

case "$1" in
        rm -f /usr/share/applications/nordvpn.desktop
        update-desktop-database 2> /dev/null
        rm -f /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_nordvpn
        rm -f /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/nordvpn
        rm -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/nordvpnd.*
        rm -f /usr/lib/systemd/tmpfiles.d/nordvpn.conf
        rm -f /etc/init.d/nordvpn
        rm -rf /root/.{cache,config}/nordvpn
        rm -rf /usr/share/doc/nordvpn
        rm -rf /var/{lib,log}/nordvpn
        rm -rf /run/nordvpn

exit 0

posttrans scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

DEFAULT_USER=${SUDO_USER:-"$(logname 2> /dev/null)"}
if [[ ! "$DEFAULT_USER" || "$DEFAULT_USER" == "root" ]]; then
    DEFAULT_USER=$(id -un -- "1000" 2> /dev/null)
ENV=$(ps --no-headers -o comm 1)

export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/${DEFAULT_USER_ID}"

# cleanup files from older version 
if [[ -f "/etc/systemd/system/nordvpnd.service" ]]; then
    rm -f /etc/systemd/system/nordvpnd.service || true
if [[ -f "/etc/systemd/system/nordvpnd.socket" ]]; then
    rm -f /etc/systemd/system/nordvpnd.socket || true
if [[ -S "/run/nordvpnd.sock" ]]; then
    rm -f /run/nordvpnd.sock || true

case "$ENV" in
        update-rc.d nordvpn defaults &>/dev/null || :
        /etc/init.d/nordvpn restart &>/dev/null || :
        systemctl daemon-reload &>/dev/null || :
        systemd-tmpfiles --create || :
        systemctl enable nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
        systemctl enable nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
        systemctl start nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
        systemctl start nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
        echo "Unknown init system, not running. Please start the daemon /usr/sbin/nordvpnd manually"

exit 0

output on the latest non working 3.19.1

phatle@kinoite:/var/home/phatle/Downloads$ rpm -qp --scripts nordvpn-3.19.1-1.x86_64.rpm
warning: nordvpn-3.19.1-1.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 5c964ca1: NOKEY
postinstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

DEFAULT_USER=${SUDO_USER:-"$(logname 2> /dev/null)"}
if [[ ! "$DEFAULT_USER" || "$DEFAULT_USER" == "root" ]]; then
    DEFAULT_USER=$(id -un -- "1000" 2> /dev/null)
ENV=$(ps --no-headers -o comm 1)
ADD_USER_MESSAGE="Adding user '$DEFAULT_USER' to the group '$NORDVPN_GROUP'"

installSuccess="NordVPN for Linux successfully installed!"
userAddMessage=', please re-login or execute `su - $USER` in the current shell'
if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
quickTutorial="To get started${userShowMessage}, type 'nordvpn login' and enter your NordVPN account details."
quickTutorialConnect="Then type 'nordvpn connect' and you’re all set!"
groupMessage="All users belonging to the '$NORDVPN_GROUP' group will be allowed to control the NordVPN application."
groupAddedMessage="By default the user '$DEFAULT_USER' was added to the '$NORDVPN_GROUP' group during installation."
userModMessage="To allow other users to control the application run 'usermod -aG $NORDVPN_GROUP otheruser'."
userDelMessage="To limit access exclusively to the root user, remove all users from the '$NORDVPN_GROUP' group."
helpMessage="If you need help using the app, use the command 'nordvpn --help'."

# update configuration and shared library cache for linker to find .so files
echo "/usr/lib/nordvpn" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/nordvpn.conf

groupadd --system "$NORDVPN_GROUP" 1>/dev/null 2> /dev/null

mkdir -m 0750 -p "$LOG_DIR"
chown root:$NORDVPN_GROUP "$LOG_DIR"

# TODO: Do we need this?
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/${DEFAULT_USER_ID}"

case "$1" in
        update-desktop-database 2> /dev/null
        gpasswd -M "" "$NORDVPN_GROUP"
        if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
            usermod -aG "$NORDVPN_GROUP" "$DEFAULT_USER"
            echo "$ADD_USER_MESSAGE"
        case "$ENV" in
                update-rc.d nordvpn defaults &>/dev/null || :
                /etc/init.d/nordvpn restart &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl daemon-reload &>/dev/null || :
                systemd-tmpfiles --create || :
                systemctl enable nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl enable nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl start nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl start nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
                mkdir -p /dev/net || :
                [[ -c /dev/net/tun ]] || mknod -m 0666 /dev/net/tun c 10 200 || :
                [[ -e /usr/sbin/ip ]] || ln -s /sbin/ip /usr/sbin/ip || :
        if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
            su -c 'source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/nordvpn' "${DEFAULT_USER}" &>/dev/null || :

        echo "$installSuccess"
        echo "$quickTutorial"
        echo "$quickTutorialConnect"
        echo "NOTE: $groupMessage"
        if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
            echo "      $groupAddedMessage"
        echo "      $userModMessage"
        echo "      $userDelMessage"
        echo "$helpMessage"
        # On upgrade add user only if group did not exist before
        if [[ "$groupCreated" -eq 0 ]]; then
            if [[ "$DEFAULT_USER" ]]; then
                usermod -aG "$NORDVPN_GROUP" "$DEFAULT_USER"
                echo "$ADD_USER_MESSAGE"

exit 0

preuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

ENV=$(ps --no-headers -o comm 1)

case "$1" in
        case "$ENV" in
                /etc/init.d/nordvpn stop &>/dev/null || :
                update-rc.d -f nordvpn remove &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl stop nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl stop nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl disable nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl disable nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
                systemctl daemon-reload &>/dev/null || :
            *sh) # executed in docker
                echo "[ERROR] Unknown environment \`$ENV'"

exit 0

postuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

case "$1" in
        rm -f /usr/share/applications/nordvpn.desktop
        update-desktop-database 2> /dev/null
        rm -f /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_nordvpn
        rm -f /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/nordvpn
        rm -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/nordvpnd.*
        rm -f /usr/lib/systemd/tmpfiles.d/nordvpn.conf
        rm -f /etc/init.d/nordvpn
        rm -rf /root/.{cache,config}/nordvpn
        rm -rf /usr/share/doc/nordvpn
        rm -rf /var/{lib,log}/nordvpn
        rm -rf /run/nordvpn
        rm -rf /etc/ld.so.conf.d/nordvpn.conf

exit 0

posttrans scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

DEFAULT_USER=${SUDO_USER:-"$(logname 2> /dev/null)"}
if [[ ! "$DEFAULT_USER" || "$DEFAULT_USER" == "root" ]]; then
    DEFAULT_USER=$(id -un -- "1000" 2> /dev/null)
ENV=$(ps --no-headers -o comm 1)

export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/${DEFAULT_USER_ID}"

# cleanup files from older version 
if [[ -f "/etc/systemd/system/nordvpnd.service" ]]; then
    rm -f /etc/systemd/system/nordvpnd.service || true
if [[ -f "/etc/systemd/system/nordvpnd.socket" ]]; then
    rm -f /etc/systemd/system/nordvpnd.socket || true
if [[ -S "/run/nordvpnd.sock" ]]; then
    rm -f /run/nordvpnd.sock || true

case "$ENV" in
        update-rc.d nordvpn defaults &>/dev/null || :
        /etc/init.d/nordvpn restart &>/dev/null || :
        systemctl daemon-reload &>/dev/null || :
        systemd-tmpfiles --create || :
        systemctl enable nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
        systemctl enable nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
        systemctl start nordvpnd.socket &>/dev/null || :
        systemctl start nordvpnd.service &>/dev/null || :
        echo "Unknown init system, not running. Please start the daemon /usr/sbin/nordvpnd manually"

exit 0

Well, this is full of dangerous stuff to run as root (rm -rf ...) and things that don’t make sense (systemctl calls, echoing to the console).

I don’t know exactly what broke it for this update but I would recommend putting it in a privileged container or a sysext instead.

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I tried multiple times to run it on distrobox or toolbox root containers it installs but user groups and permissions got me never got those working

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Yes, I have tried to run using toolbox and I am also having issues with the user permissions or the background service to be ran.

(Please note I am not very experienced with toolbox)

@siosm btw is there any -verbouse commands on rpm-ostree where i can see full detailed output on what going on and where the actuall error occures when i run rpm-ostree install nordvpn or rpm-ostree update --uninstall nordvpn-3.18.5 --install nordvpn would help alot for more debugging

If there’s script output I believe that should go to the rpm-ostreed logs, which you can see with journalctl -xu rpm-ostreed.

rpm -qplv --dump nordvpn-3.19.1-1.x86_64.rpm 
warning: nordvpn-3.19.1-1.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 5c964ca1: NOKEY
/usr/bin/nordvpn 14019600 1731935429 5a10dd7d51f8b7caa5d7f32119c0800b88a8a4af9ff9b52c066b2ef813b29ddf 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn 4096 1731935429 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 040755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/libmoosenordvpnapp.so 2377440 1731935176 8700ae05cc9fa8c886510c449728c1a23d59985c129bb3cad9ab8de6fd71c299 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/libmooseworker.so 1548624 1731935176 73d0e64f403a5de7bb504e0baff3c960fc95684f8d65d684b9f5074a9011c846 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/libnorddrop.so 4600512 1731935175 da8e32af3c436598a29565eca6414ec9e95fb4d40e22f8b766e75a7d02ab6677 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/libsqlite3.so 786424 1731935175 9fe74d9416473ab31b056b6a9012c0498eb6e9105a57735b37f4932f93f6ee66 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/libtelio.so 12011112 1731935175 c0b3724f15c1cab9b1d9034b9b0233b52e7bef3e21805419c13d15c81eb3b487 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/nordfileshare 15519992 1731935429 669f1809c2655b5999803fd5909ccbcbb55fe483bdf89f4207127c087580a504 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/norduserd 13120112 1731935429 2bdf53abb9954f7277fb1619c1ab424666ba7bcef95bd757e423056444156b97 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/openvpn 5552408 1731935429 679a67846e9f79af67e0069ce22df5ddc8cc80d2ba83f938a22b128f1dc4b680 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/systemd/system/nordvpn.service 9 1731935428 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0120000 root root 0 0 1 /dev/null
/usr/lib/systemd/system/nordvpnd.service 337 1731935060 52d16a0b0bb524c4c41ddc265ce872f37760657060c248ec71de0107f49f5a32 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/systemd/system/nordvpnd.socket 248 1731935060 7934a86f135e890f8cb89459692cdd0a436a4deb01dc604e0cd9ac7ba668fa1c 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/nordvpn.conf 32 1731935060 3d28e2b2334541248befb7108488b274e9e56faee5aa79f56417306e9bc19d9d 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/sbin/nordvpnd 24258960 1731935429 11e3abfbe26432acec3e392a9b0a2eeba9f108d3b20dfc08d01616f54ff29bcf 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/applications/nordvpn.desktop 201 1731935060 8c4bf04f5ac0bcfa8ebba61161581faaf09da33fef6bd584090c8f52cf59ea2a 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/nordvpn 1208 1731935153 bf842d2bbf5fd8ec3ef61a129c75b070e55df1dcad1d6d08e9375dc6802619ac 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nordvpn-tray-black.svg 359 1731935060 320dd26c8052d8803902bc09f2cd72f9df80016d198c56b00b9101148f0df425 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nordvpn-tray-blue.svg 359 1731935060 424919fae7b341c7d3e8cbc618440b5c90e844ae4c4c76c481aa9c2bb812fcd0 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nordvpn-tray-gray.svg 359 1731935060 cb184380f01ac60f03c9cd8fbdd1cf5adee9b51a33a6bb8f869913ea64b01083 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nordvpn-tray-white.svg 359 1731935060 6ad593006b8daa240b3f7026251085878f153de07edb77970dc7f87dd2944686 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nordvpn.svg 516 1731935060 0f0e3716e24845a2c0e44e4369fe960f00de76b0c3dd6c34c77887880733bd78 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/licenses/nordvpn/LICENSE.md 32422 1731935060 42dda6c0922aa7362d26d5a95965ba9590ffcce844107e2b3ca44f137590dc84 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/licenses/nordvpn/THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.md 7021 1731935132 69d8ac1b24afe818feefbf6575c8a9a59549520110190d6f33b8fcd1244d6e4a 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/man/man1/nordvpn.1.gz 7778 1731935153 b04bb584120df249041a3cd5d7ad355fed534887f469e911c705772f7368e60d 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_nordvpn_auto_complete 552 1731935153 f02353a169e6cbd025717bfec6535569d3c746770f2f9e94709d2386d4aa1882 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/var/lib/nordvpn/data/countries.dat 8052 1731935149 e5b7958199eebd49ab10d0de7c14e08a392964bf6c7fa6f9a78b591f49134e18 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
/var/lib/nordvpn/data/cybersec.dat 67 1731935152 22fd4f362b757217120d4669a3b0ec696e127868ee3ba5b94cfcfcaf3d0e1cda 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
/var/lib/nordvpn/data/insights.dat 211 1731935149 5bdcb7b8f7fe45829506fcbb206031212527abb7a1b5732b13973f023b8e6a76 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
/var/lib/nordvpn/data/ovpn_template.xslt 3615 1731935151 d6ed263761188a215ce302b69fe0b73b6dc796f5935206c56d2f9e1694c00635 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
/var/lib/nordvpn/data/ovpn_xor_template.xslt 4259 1731935152 56c2e8781f54a083aa5a3b19b8e018ab96917e0bfe79be8593161f2f2954276c 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
/var/lib/nordvpn/data/servers.dat 3381887 1731935150 93bc2c4130acaa76badea4f65731caa230c76ea7aebbf96cd3a5321e213c95e4 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X

 rpm -qplv --dump nordvpn-3.18.5-1.x86_64.rpm 
warning: nordvpn-3.18.5-1.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 5c964ca1: NOKEY
/usr/bin/nordvpn 14192432 1725529299 9839285ce3e21dd144870ba7c88237d38704477561e2d80598b231aa8a16efc2 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/nordfileshare 35765880 1725529299 fc23b70999dbe7ea6850bc41ef31ec3fc618429a6fa0d272b426fba1313dc074 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/norduserd 13301072 1725529299 bc7d857bb345efb7e4320c43fd08fc9ed4f13e45fc44f400bd0991155086c88f 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/nordvpn/openvpn 3988536 1725529297 50db589b1eb0007adc31f5ff2f5564bc4e440a3bbc1b4723e0a3784ab1ce97b3 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/systemd/system/nordvpn.service 9 1725529296 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0120000 root root 0 0 1 /dev/null
/usr/lib/systemd/system/nordvpnd.service 337 1725529005 52d16a0b0bb524c4c41ddc265ce872f37760657060c248ec71de0107f49f5a32 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
/usr/lib/systemd/system/nordvpnd.socket 248 1725529005 7934a86f135e890f8cb89459692cdd0a436a4deb01dc604e0cd9ac7ba668fa1c 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
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/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_nordvpn_auto_complete 552 1725529060 f02353a169e6cbd025717bfec6535569d3c746770f2f9e94709d2386d4aa1882 0100644 root root 0 0 1 X
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/var/lib/nordvpn/data/cybersec.dat 67 1725529060 22fd4f362b757217120d4669a3b0ec696e127868ee3ba5b94cfcfcaf3d0e1cda 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
/var/lib/nordvpn/data/insights.dat 211 1725529057 5bdcb7b8f7fe45829506fcbb206031212527abb7a1b5732b13973f023b8e6a76 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
/var/lib/nordvpn/data/ovpn_template.xslt 3615 1725529059 d6ed263761188a215ce302b69fe0b73b6dc796f5935206c56d2f9e1694c00635 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
/var/lib/nordvpn/data/ovpn_xor_template.xslt 4259 1725529059 56c2e8781f54a083aa5a3b19b8e018ab96917e0bfe79be8593161f2f2954276c 0100600 root root 0 0 1 X
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The difference I see:
/usr/lib/nordvpn 4096 1731935429 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 040755 root root 0 0 1 X

/usr/bin/nordvpn 14192432 1725529299 9839285ce3e21dd144870ba7c88237d38704477561e2d80598b231aa8a16efc2 0100755 root root 0 0 1 X