The latest linux kernel won't boot on my machine

I see,it seems like the latest kernel’s nouveau driver broken.When i use acpi=off parameter and i will boot up without nvidia cards rendering.

Please tell us what you mean by “doesn’t work “. Did the dracut command give an error or did the command work but you still can’t boot 6.19.3?

Was the initramfs image recreated or not? ls /boot will tell you that.

If the file was deleted then recreated it would seem both commands worked properly so the issue becomes the system is not properly booting, not that the commands did not work.

Please provide details about exactly what happens, not a generic doesn't work.

The initramfs file is recreated, the both commands worked properly, but the latest kernel just can’t boot.(I can’t boot ArchLinux iso either,also debian unstable)

The command work and i stiil can’t boot 6.10.3-200.

This appears to a 3rd-party dGPU (removed from some H-P box?). Sometimes vendor-dependent configurations get overlooked when a new kernel is developed. It dates from 2010, so very few people will still be using it. That means you should not rely on others to file a bug report. You could consider upgrading to a more recent dGPU or taling advantage of bargain prices for enterprise grade systems that don’t support Windows 11 from reputable resellers.

It could be useful to check the [LHDB](] to see if others have found a way to run linux on your model with a newer dGPU. I found 55 probes for your dGPU on a variety of systems, but many are not shown as “working” and the distros are old.

Sometimes LHDB users add comments describing workarounds needed to use linux on a particular system – you could look for a probe of you model with a newer dGPU.