Soft AP failure via hostapd with wcn7850 (= qcncm865)

It’s impossible to solve it alone, so I’ve reached here.

The problem is a soft AP failure via hostapd with wcn7850 (= qcncm865).
I use Fedora 41; 6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64 and iw list | grep -A 15 ‘Frequencies:’ values are all printed as no IR.

From what I’ve checked…

I found that the above value should be applied to the kernel.

I’ve never experienced kernel compilation before, so it’s hard to understand if you explain it professionally. :frowning:
do I need kernel compiling?

which is also required.

Is it possible to compile only the above values separately?

Before you start chasing ghosts please update your system to the latest with sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

There have been many updates since fedora 41 was released with the 6.11.4 kernel. The newer kernels may even have the proper driver for that adapter, but until you do the update there is no way to be certain.

First of all, thank you for your answer.

I don’t think this is the problem, because I’ve already done the Latest patch in CodeLinaro.