Sigh, now OpenSnitch doesn't behave as expected in Fedora either

Hello World,

Pretty please help, another case where the steps I got taught, and am gonna detail below, worked perfectly in EndeavourOS(arch based), but now doing the same thing in Fedora 41 it doesn’t work. :frowning:

So here are the steps to block an .exe app from trying to connect:

So I did that, just like I had done a dozen times previously in EOS, here’s an example:

But when I launch the game I still get asked! :sob: :

Any idea what I need to do differently to get it working in Fedora too?

Thank you.

I have not used that software, but you may also want to try portmaster @ website…it is a dynamic firewall that allows for custom rule making and connection blocking…they have a fair bit of documentation and Q/A. It does work on fedora as an rpm.

Thanks for the suggestion, but first I’d like to try and get OpenSnitch working if possible as it’s what I’m used to and I like it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Consider adding another rule to match the path on the last screenshot.

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I could, but that is precisely one of the main things my use of OpenSnitch is designed to avoid. I want to only ban certain specific programs(in this case that run under wine) from trying to connect.
And if I add wineserver to the list that is gonna stop all connections made through it regardless if they are from a program that I want to let connect or not, right? :cry:

You could run an instance of Wine or Lutris as another user, and bar that user from accessing the internet from OpenSnitch.

There are many tutorials online, you might need to look up ‘running a graphical program as another user’ or something like that.

You may have to block wine server from specific hosts associated with the applications/games you want to block.

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Sigh… :frowning: