Shortcut on desktop to file on other drive

I have Fedora 40 and I want to double click or click an icon on desktop and and open and save to another directory or directory on another drive from the desktop. Just like windows. All one needs to do is drag and drop to desktop and opening will save to original file and location. Is this possible in Fedora with rewriting the OS or creating scripts.

Linux uses symlinks for that. You can create them with ln -s /path/to/target/directory (cd into the directory where you want to create the symlink first or else provide another parameter to the ln command to specify the full path and name of the link).

There are differences between how Linux works and how Windows works. Linux does not use drive letters. Whether the symlinks will show up on your “Desktop” by default depends on the window manager you are using. It used to be possible to configure GNOME to show files/links/whatever from the ~/Desktop directory on your Desktop, but I don’t know if that is possible anymore. You will probably have the file manager open already anyway, so you can create your symlinks under ~/Desktop and then browse there with the file manager to open them or drag-and-drop things onto them.

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Thank you for the unbiased and clear message. Have a great year!

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