How can you set Fedora to boot to console mode by default instead of Gui.
The default grub boot options are in /etc/default/grub
You can comment them out and instead only set the default runlevel you want to boot into, e.g.:
#GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rhgb quiet"
3 will be one of the text consoles.
If you then regenerate grub:
$ sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Your system will boot into runlevel 3 by default.
sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args='3'
This worked perfect, but now I have constant messages running on screen. Is there a way it can be quite or write it to a log instead of onscreen?
You should be able to put the ‘quiet’ parameter back to get rid of most of the noise:
The systemd way of doing this is
systemctl set-default
and to revert
systemctl set-default
Did not change anything, There is still a lot of things running onscreen. Looks like network adapter notifications.
It’s possible that the method described by @vekruse above will give you better results in that case.
Edit: p.s. you will have to regenerate grub each time after you make changes to the config.
I forgot to regenerate, thought a reboot does this. Sorry, it works now perfect. If I want a auto login of a user in this mode, where can I set this up or is this something for a new forum?
A quick search for what you want found this (and more)
Hi, I have allready tried this and it does not work. Just comes to screen where it asks login…
This is quoted from the link I just posted. Have you performed every step of that process.?
Enable Automatic Login in Fedora from Command Line
Enabling automatic login in Fedora is a multi-step process, so I'll break it down into simple, easy-to-follow steps. Remember that enabling automatic login can pose a security risk, as anyone with physical access to your computer can access your files and data. Use this feature judiciously, especially if you're using a laptop or a device that others can easily access.
The following instructions are generally applicable to recent Fedora versions with GNOME desktop environment. However, if you're using an older version, some steps might differ.
Step 1: Open the Terminal
You can find the Terminal in your applications menu, often under "System Tools" or similar categories. Click on the Terminal icon to open it.
Step 2: Edit the GDM (GNOME Display Manager) Configuration File
Open the GDM Custom Configuration File using your favorite text editor. I am going to use nano editor.
$ sudo nano /etc/gdm/custom.conf
Step 3: Modify GDM Configuration File
In the custom.conf file, look for a section labeled [daemon].
Under the [daemon] section, add or modify the following lines:
Replace [YourUsername] with your actual username. For example, if your username is ostechnix, it should read AutomaticLogin=ostechnix.
Press Ctrl + O to save the file and press Ctrl + X to exit the editor.
Step 4: Restart Your Computer
After saving and closing the file, restart your computer for the changes to take effect. You can do this from the GUI, or type reboot in the Terminal and press Enter.
Step 5: Verify Automatic Login
Upon restarting, your Fedora system should log you in automatically without asking for a password.
Reading through that it seems to expect that you are using a gui desktop and using a terminal to configure that for auto login to the desktop.
I often use a console desktop but never use auto login for security reasons. To me it appears it may be simpler to actually do an automatic gui login then use a terminal window full screen to make it appear that you are on a console.
This link appears it may do auto login at the text console.
Yes I have done that. I need auto logins on tty1 tty2 etc… this also does not do the trick.
ExecStart=-/usr/sbin/agetty --autologin your_user_name --noclear %I $TERM
I don’t think that setting the systemd default target needs the grub regenerated.
I expect that the noise is from the comsole that the kernel prints messages to.
You could type ctrl-alt-f2 to get to another console without the noise.
I think you could add a systemd service that does a chvt to automate the console switching.