I got several {dac_override} denials in the sudo ausearch -m avc log. I’m not sure how to investigate it. I run nspawn containers which block DAC overrides by default, so I’m thinking it comes from within containers. What could be causing this? I have been doing containers for a while and never had quite any SELinux errors before.
and a couple of other similar ones for comm="04-iscsi" and comm="20-chrony-onoff"
I don’t even have NetworkManager installed inside containers. One container has NetworkManager-libnm installed for some reason, which is depended upon by tracker-miners package…and I don’t even know why tracker-miners package got installed because nothing depends on it inside the container. Could this NetworkManager-libnm inside a container be the culprit?
To see what installed a specific package in Fedora using dnf we can run dnf history <package-name>.
Well, this is weird now. I ran dnf history tracker-miners, and this shows that it was installed with install openbox Xephyr firefox. But I’m not seeing firefox require tracker-miners package. Maybe mozilla-filesystem package that’s part of firefox required it? I’m so confused now.
Anyway, is this a weak dependency that can be ignored by running dnf install <package> --weakdep=False?
As far as I know, nspawn containers will run all their processes under a single context. The context is typically something like container_t or spc_t (though it is customizable via systemd-nspawn’s --selinux-context= option). Since the processes that are generating the errors are running with source contexts of NetworkManager_dispatcher_dhclient_t and NetworkManager_dispatcher_chronyc_t, I would expect that they are running on your host system, not in any of your containers.
My kernel version is below 6.8.9, so it’s not that bug.
Ok, so what is this NetworkManager dispatcher trying to bypass DAC access controls?? I also don’t even have a dhclient installed/running. And my host’s NetworkManager does not have any dispatcher scripts installed in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ …So weird.