I have three relevant entries here. a "lidClosed": false
that lists both outputs, index 0 and 1 as enabled. But then subsequent entries list index 1 only which I believe is the built in screen since it is listed first earlier. Below is the full json file. I am also not sure how to make changes here since I read that they are over-written by KDE?
"data": [
"allowSdrSoftwareBrightness": false,
"autoRotation": "InTabletMode",
"brightness": 1,
"colorProfileSource": "EDID",
"connectorName": "HDMI-A-1",
"edidHash": "f03e0c791a05da9d34c2ee210a8ae99d",
"edidIdentifier": "GSM 23304 531673 4 2019 0",
"highDynamicRange": false,
"iccProfilePath": "",
"mode": {
"height": 2160,
"refreshRate": 60000,
"width": 3840
"overscan": 0,
"rgbRange": "Automatic",
"scale": 1.25,
"sdrBrightness": 200,
"sdrGamutWideness": 0,
"transform": "Normal",
"vrrPolicy": "Automatic",
"wideColorGamut": false
"allowSdrSoftwareBrightness": false,
"autoRotation": "InTabletMode",
"brightness": 1,
"colorProfileSource": "sRGB",
"connectorName": "eDP-1",
"edidHash": "59556dee8057dcd913e4aae0659727a1",
"edidIdentifier": "SDC 16816 0 0 2023 0",
"highDynamicRange": true,
"iccProfilePath": "",
"mode": {
"height": 1800,
"refreshRate": 60001,
"width": 2880
"overscan": 4,
"rgbRange": "Automatic",
"scale": 1.5,
"sdrBrightness": 400,
"sdrGamutWideness": 0,
"transform": "Normal",
"vrrPolicy": "Automatic",
"wideColorGamut": true
"name": "outputs"
"data": [
"lidClosed": false,
"outputs": [
"enabled": true,
"outputIndex": 0,
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"priority": 0
"enabled": true,
"outputIndex": 1,
"position": {
"x": 3072,
"y": 0
"priority": 1
"lidClosed": false,
"outputs": [
"enabled": true,
"outputIndex": 1,
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"priority": 0
"lidClosed": true,
"outputs": [
"enabled": true,
"outputIndex": 1,
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"priority": 0
"name": "setups"