Rate your distros by linux experiment [win fedora as a desktop os]


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Gosh, even I have not tried all those distros! Much less recent versions!

I will rate here. +1 Fedora.

May I ask who is running this quiz and what the purpose is?

Are you Nick, the owner of thelinuxexp.com? I like the article on Ethics.

That poll will likely have odd results; it’s lengthy, I haven’t tried majority of the distros on the list, and there isn’t an option to state so which leads to "I haven’t tried it, so it must not be good/1).

  • I imagine Asahi is decent, but I don’t have Apple hardware and never tried it; I’ve seen a few odd reports about it from others though.
  • I haven’t tried Gentoo, but find it interesting for compiler opts; I guess rated above 1, but since it wasn’t appealing enough for me to install yet I guess not 5; 3 and next question :stuck_out_tongue:
  • Rhino Linux also never tried it, but I like the concept of it.
  • I’m not a fan of Silverblue for my use, but it feels unfair to mark it 1

The survey already covered every distro under the sun, so the last question got FreeBSD from me :stuck_out_tongue:


Refreshed the link

Heh I take minor offense to that screenshot response 1st-post; if ya didn’t want people somehow missing non-existent instructions, you should have included a “Never tried” option to begin with :stuck_out_tongue:

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Fedora and Debian testing got the only 5 ratings for me. I run the KDE spin of Fedora on my primary and secondary laptops (the primary is a 16-inch laptop and is too big to really travel with, so I have a 14-inch as my travel laptop).

My old Surface Pro 3 is running Debian testing and had been using Fedora Workstation on a testing laptop, though I’m going to dip my toes back into Arch Linux when I have some spare time :slight_smile:

My $0.02.

Arch is the “anti-Debian” to me. If anything, it’s incessantly rolling. I do admit to liking Cachy-OS, which works amazingly well on a batch of older Haswell laptops I salvaged from the recycle pile at work.

The beauty of Linux is you be you. If a distro does what you want it to do, it’s the best. If you don’t like the one you are using, try another. Or hack it into something you like.

Over the years, I have developed an intense dislike of MS operating systems, and am grateful to all the programmers who have made the Linux computer ecosystem as good as it is. It has come a long way, baby.


fedora win


I’m actually halfway through the video right now :smiley:

It was a great take for Fedora, indeed. Even better if you count Nobara and Bazzite.

The video was quite good.

Even though Alpine very much is a desktop distro. Musl is pretty cool, Gentoo supports it too.

Musl is more mininal than glibc and has way less attack surface and vulnerabilities.

Firefox works well with musl, Chromium seems to not compile with it at all anymore. Complex stuff!

Did you know that clang (originally made by Apple) and llvm is more secure than glibc and GNU linker too? Has support for Control Flow Integrity (CFI) which is useful in browsers and hardened_malloc.

So that part was a bit off, but the rest, well agree.