Random 800x600 secondary monitor

Sometimes, in the display settings, a random 800x600 monitor shows up to the right of my laptop monitor. I usually disable it, but occasionally it pops up again. I would show a screenshot, but right now it’s not appearing.

However, when I run neofetch, the resolution is displayed incorrectly (presumably the resolution of the pseudo monitor?).

If I run wayland-info, this is shown:

interface: 'wl_output',                                  version:  4, name: 63
        name: eDP-1
        description:  eDP-1-unknown
        x: 0, y: 0, scale: 2,
        physical_width: 300 mm, physical_height: 190 mm,
        make: '', model: 'eDP-1-unknown',
        subpixel_orientation: unknown, output_transform: normal,
                width: 2880 px, height: 1800 px, refresh: 120.000 Hz,
                flags: current

I’m not sure what other commands I should run for debugging. Do any of you have an idea where this secondary monitor is coming from?

Thank you!

Photo with display settings also showing it