As much as I like pytaxis, setting color schemes in the new gnome terminal, is just as difficult as unpractical as it is in the moment.
Setting the color scheme / palettes can be done in the > Preferences
1.1 (Hamburger-menu or Ctrl + , )
Per default there are 11 options available as long as I do not press on the button “Show all palettes”
On the short as on the long list of Palletes I can not display or search for a name.
To make it a bit easier I had to go deeper and try to explain the difficulties I faced.
The coloring of the prompt as the coloring of the ls command is done with two different apps/packages.
4.1 bash-color-prompt[1] package colorizes the color prompt (installed by default).
4.2 dircolors [2] command displays the pre-configured colors also visible with env
4.2.1 dircolors --print-ls-colors | column shows even the colors of the dir command mime-types in any terminal!
In >Preferences >“Profile section” section on the tree dots I can select “Edit”
1.1 This time I can see a “Color Palette” name and also choose one
1.2 Search for a Color name still not works this way. Long list scrolling works!
Lets move back to the >Preferences>Profile in a open Ptyxis window > three dots … “Dublicate” on our preferred or default profile. I named it “DIR_COLORS (/etc/DIR_COLORS) save to ~/.dir_colors” to personalize for a specific user.
The exact command below prints the colored list with rows. This way no scrolling is needed when going thru the available color palette. sh -c "dircolors --print-ls-colors | column"
2.1 Select as example “Gnome” as “color palette”
2.2 Under “Shell” we do activate “Custom Command” and add the command above Point 2. of this section
Now, any time I like a new profile or color setting I do open a new session, while clicking on the top right corner of a ptyxis window the “arrow down” symbol since we created one more profile as just the default.
3.1 As an alternative, first Duplicate the profile with the command to execute, rename it as desired and make the ajustments.
Now with the >Profile > … >Edit open on the top right corner, I can select the “Color” I like and I will see live how it looks like in the terminal.
That’s it. I hope this information is useful for Users which could not understand while the File list in ls had gabs and group and ownership but no name. The color was unfortunately the exact one as the background.
And then wile try to find a Color Palette I got bothered with this miles of scrolling I had todo