Profileration of community communication channels

Hrm, I do not agree that Telegram is not an official platform now. It may not be official in the sense that no process was followed to set them up that would make it official, but so much is happening on Telegram now that it really does feel like an official community platform. This is the pinned message on the Fedora channel on Telegram, for example:

Welcome to @fedora! Here’s what you need to know.

=== Group info / rules ===

(1) Always use English (it’s an international chat with people around the world).
(2) Stay on topic to Fedora, Fedora-related things, or free and open source software (on-topic conversations are always higher priority than off-topic – don’t be afraid to just ask a question if you need help!).
(3) Follow Fedora’s Code of Conduct (Code of Conduct :: Fedora Docs). Even if you disagree with someone, be respectful.
(4) Do not give malicious or dangerous advice. You might be joking, someone else might not know.
(5) Do not share inappropriate or illegal content in this channel (whether software, sexual content, or anything else).
(6) Polls are limited to one per day per person. Polls should be on topic to Fedora or open source software. Please ask for permission by messaging or tagging an admin before posting a poll. PollBot is forbidden, we only allow @vote (or similar, non-spammy bots). Please respect member privacy and set them to anonymous by default. (But don’t trust that poll results are a good representation of the Linux world.)

=== Telegram / IRC bridge ===

This Telegram group is linked to an IRC channel on using a Telegram <=> IRC bridge. Join #fedora-telegram on freenode to participate via IRC.

=== Other Fedora communities ===

There’s a few other Fedora groups on Telegram for specific languages or countries. There’s also some groups about software included in Fedora. You can find some of them below.

CentOS: @Cent_OS_EN
Document Foundation (announce channel): @tdforg
Fedora packagers: @fedorapackager

If you want your community added here, please message an admin directly.

=== Need help? ===

If you find that someone is spamming or is breaking the rules, you can mention all admins using the /report command.
Be warned that spamming this command might get you banned!

Feel free to reach out to myself or another admin if you have any concerns or private questions. The current administrators of this group are:

IMO, that, in combination with the many community members that set it up and are now active there does give it qute an official air. I expect newbies that join these channels with have the same impression too. The assumption will also extend to other channels that are listed there.

I agree that we cannot/should not make any limitations on unofficial channels. This post concerns itself with the official ones, and for reasons stated above, I do think the Telegram channels are now official.

I was pointed to this ticket which presents a similar idea. If we are to assess Telegram channels as unofficial then mabe we should get in touch with community members that administer these channels and request them to make this clear in the meantime?

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