[PITCH] Gnome DNF 5 test days

Article Summary:
GNOME folks are going to run a test week from 14-20th and I would like to have an annoucement to go out sometime around 11th.
DNF 5 test week will also be happening between 11-17th…

I know this might be short notice, but can we please pull this off? Flock travels took most if last week fr me

Yes. Contributions have been few to the Magazine of late and nothing is currently scheduled for this Friday.

Just let us know when you have the article ready for review and publication.

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Thanks a LOT! I will :smiley:

Pagure #214 when you are ready

Thanks a lot folks, I have put together the draft… have a read … I am kinda jet lagged and bit under the weather Log In ‹ Fedora Magazine — WordPress

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