Overlay Wireshark upgrade broken?

System upgrade ends in an error because of the Wireshark post upgrade script apparently:

$ rpm-ostree upgrade
note: automatic updates (stage) are enabled
1 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 592 B transferred in 1 seconds; 0 Bytes content written
Checking out tree fd39645... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora rpmfusion-free fedora-cisco-openh264 updates rpmfusion-free-updates updates-archive
rpm-md repo 'fedora' (cached); generated: 2020-10-19T23:27:19Z
rpm-md repo 'rpmfusion-free' (cached); generated: 2020-10-16T17:39:10Z
rpm-md repo 'fedora-cisco-openh264' (cached); generated: 2020-08-25T19:10:34Z
rpm-md repo 'updates' (cached); generated: 2020-12-13T02:00:07Z
rpm-md repo 'rpmfusion-free-updates' (cached); generated: 2020-12-10T20:24:08Z
rpm-md repo 'updates-archive' (cached); generated: 2020-12-13T02:59:13Z
Importing rpm-md... done
Resolving dependencies... done
Applying 1 override and 146 overlays
Processing packages... done
Running pre scripts... done
Running post scripts... done
error: Running %post for wireshark-cli: Executing bwrap(/bin/sh): Der Kindprozess wurde mit Signal 1 beendet; run `journalctl -t 'rpm-ostree(wireshark-cli.post)'` for more information
$ journalctl -t 'rpm-ostree(wireshark-cli.post)' --no-hostname --no-pager
-- Logs begin at Wed 2020-06-03 20:43:56 CEST, end at Sun 2020-12-13 21:29:23 CET. --
Dez 12 20:05:00 rpm-ostree(wireshark-cli.post)[94546]: Failed to write 'change' to '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:03:00.3/usbmon/usbmon1/uevent': Read-only file system
Dez 13 21:20:52 rpm-ostree(wireshark-cli.post)[138513]: Failed to write 'change' to '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:03:00.3/usbmon/usbmon1/uevent': Read-only file system
Dez 13 21:26:56 rpm-ostree(wireshark-cli.post)[140023]: Failed to write 'change' to '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:03:00.3/usbmon/usbmon1/uevent': Read-only file system

Is this a bug in Wireshark?

Uninstalling worked though:

$ rpm-ostree uninstall wireshark
Checking out tree 8999809... done
Resolving dependencies... done
Applying 1 override and 142 overlays
Processing packages... done
Running pre scripts... done
Running post scripts... done
Running posttrans scripts... done
Writing rpmdb... done
Writing OSTree commit... done
Staging deployment... done
Freed: 545,4 MB (pkgcache branches: 7)
  htop 3.0.2-1.fc33 -> 3.0.3-1.fc33
Run "systemctl reboot" to start a reboot

Hello @rugk,
Can you relayer wireshark? Also it is available as a flatpak from flathub.

Yeah, the flatpak version is just mostly useless, because it has no capture support and can thus only be used to view already captured things.

And no, layering it again does not seem to work.

$ rpm-ostree install wireshark 
Checking out tree fd39645... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora rpmfusion-free fedora-cisco-openh264 updates rpmfusion-free-updates updates-archive
rpm-md repo 'fedora' (cached); generated: 2020-10-19T23:27:19Z
rpm-md repo 'rpmfusion-free' (cached); generated: 2020-10-16T17:39:10Z
rpm-md repo 'fedora-cisco-openh264' (cached); generated: 2020-08-25T19:10:34Z
rpm-md repo 'updates' (cached); generated: 2020-12-14T00:43:12Z
rpm-md repo 'rpmfusion-free-updates' (cached); generated: 2020-12-10T20:24:08Z
rpm-md repo 'updates-archive' (cached); generated: 2020-12-14T01:37:17Z
Importing rpm-md... done
Resolving dependencies... done
Will download: 2 packages (25,6 MB)
Downloading from 'updates'... done
Importing packages... done
Applying 1 override and 146 overlays
Processing packages... done
Running pre scripts... done
Running post scripts... done
error: Running %post for wireshark-cli: Executing bwrap(/bin/sh): Der Kindprozess wurde mit Signal 1 beendet; run `journalctl -t 'rpm-ostree(wireshark-cli.post)'` for more information

rpm-ostree status:

                   Version: 33.20201210.0 (2020-12-10T00:51:13Z)
                BaseCommit: fd39645fcf9da4279bd89bb9c8c5b020d31bc94bcbcb76bd33efa2795e1defe3

From the RPM, it looks like the %post script calls /usr/bin/udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=usbmon which does not really make sense on Silverblue.

1 Like

Oh thanks, reported to the package maintainer:

Did this get fixed?
I’m unsure from the bug report.
It says to do this:
sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing --advisory=FEDORA-2021-f3011da665
but I don’t think that’s appropriate for Fedora Silverblue.
Anyone have anymore information?

It would be applicable to Fedora Workstation, there is mention of it being fixed in Silverblue in the post scripts.

This is fixed AFAIK. You can directly run rpm-ostree install wireshark to get the latest version.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be fixed. I installed Wireshark Monday/Tuesday this week and whilst it worked the following day I had issues with “rpm-ostree update” not working again.
I had to uninstall it again to be able to update my laptop.

Does anyone “know” that it’s supposed to be fixed and available on Silverblue?

Of course as also indicated here in this thread, it is supposed to be fixed. So I suggest you to open a new issue/Bugzilla ticket.

Can you share an error log?

This is the error that I’m currently getting:

><)))"> rpm-ostree install wireshark
Checking out tree ce2571c... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora-cisco-openh264 updates fedora updates-archive
Importing rpm-md... done
rpm-md repo 'fedora-cisco-openh264' (cached); generated: 2021-02-23T00:49:00Z solvables: 4
rpm-md repo 'updates' (cached); generated: 2021-08-16T00:58:58Z solvables: 19201
rpm-md repo 'fedora' (cached); generated: 2021-04-23T10:47:57Z solvables: 63586
rpm-md repo 'updates-archive' (cached); generated: 2021-08-16T02:09:54Z solvables: 26665
Resolving dependencies... done
Checking out packages... done
Running pre scripts... done
Running post scripts... done
error: While applying overrides for pkg wireshark-cli: Could not find group 'wireshark' in group file

although this is me trying to install wireshark again.

  • I installed wireshark

  • Sorted out adding my user to the wireshark group so I could run it without using root

  • Then tried an “rpm-ostree update” which resulted in the same error above

I’m not sure what to do know as I can’t seem to install wireshark to get more information for the Bug report. Anyone get any ideas on how to fix the above issue?

Wireshark is available as a flatpak too, have you tried that out? I used it on my system to look at the network traffic. Seemed to work fine, but I wasn’t using it for diagnostics

Hi Stephen, I tried the flatpak too and while it’s great to read pcap files it doesn’t do packet capturing.

I managed to overcome my error when trying to re-install wireshark. In /etc/group I still had an entry for my user being added to the wireshark group from the previous install. I deleted that line and then was able to install wireshark again.

><)))"> rpm-ostree install wireshark
Checking out tree ce2571c... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora-cisco-openh264 updates fedora updates-archive
Importing rpm-md... done
rpm-md repo 'fedora-cisco-openh264' (cached); generated: 2021-02-23T00:49:00Z solvables: 4
rpm-md repo 'updates' (cached); generated: 2021-08-16T00:58:58Z solvables: 19201
rpm-md repo 'fedora' (cached); generated: 2021-04-23T10:47:57Z solvables: 63586
rpm-md repo 'updates-archive' (cached); generated: 2021-08-16T02:09:54Z solvables: 26665
Resolving dependencies... done
Checking out packages... done
Running pre scripts... done
Running post scripts... done
Running posttrans scripts... done
Writing rpmdb... done
Writing OSTree commit... done
Staging deployment... done
Freed: 387.1 MB (pkgcache branches: 0)
Changes queued for next boot. Run "systemctl reboot" to start a reboot

I added my user to the wireshark group using the following commands:

grep -E '^wireshark:' /usr/lib/group | sudo tee -a /etc/group
sudo usermod -aG wireshark $USER

Rebooted and checked that wireshark could capture packets as a non-root user.
I then tried to do an rpm-ostree update and it all seems to be working alright at the moment. Although, there were no updates to do.

><)))"> rpm-ostree update
2 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 788 B transferred in 1 seconds; 0 bytes content written
Checking out tree ce2571c... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora-cisco-openh264 updates fedora updates-archive
Importing rpm-md... done
rpm-md repo 'fedora-cisco-openh264' (cached); generated: 2021-02-23T00:49:00Z solvables: 4
rpm-md repo 'updates' (cached); generated: 2021-08-16T00:58:58Z solvables: 19201
rpm-md repo 'fedora' (cached); generated: 2021-04-23T10:47:57Z solvables: 63586
rpm-md repo 'updates-archive' (cached); generated: 2021-08-16T02:09:54Z solvables: 26665
Resolving dependencies... done
No upgrade available.

I’ll wait for new updates to come out and try again and then report back.
Hopefully, it’s all good and fixed.

Unfortunately, I’ve just tried to do an update from the cli using “rpm-ostree update” and received the following error:

><)))"> rpm-ostree update
â ¤ Writing objects: 1 
Writing objects: 1... done
Checking out tree 82bbbd2... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora-cisco-openh264 updates fedora updates-archive
Updating metadata for 'updates'... done
Updating metadata for 'updates-archive'... done
Importing rpm-md... done
rpm-md repo 'fedora-cisco-openh264' (cached); generated: 2021-02-23T00:49:00Z solvables: 4
rpm-md repo 'updates'; generated: 2021-08-23T01:10:44Z solvables: 25771
rpm-md repo 'fedora' (cached); generated: 2021-04-23T10:47:57Z solvables: 63586
rpm-md repo 'updates-archive'; generated: 2021-08-23T02:22:38Z solvables: 29044
Resolving dependencies... done
Relabeling... done
Checking out packages... done
Running pre scripts... done
Running post scripts... done
error: While applying overrides for pkg wireshark-cli: Could not find group 'wireshark' in group file

Anybody got any ideas what the error means?
Should I assume that this is still and error with wireshark and Fedora Silverblue?

I’m happy to create a bug report to try and get this fixed. Is there a place to create bug reports, specifically, for Fedora Silverblue?

As it is a clear error related/of the package you’re having, just use the usual RedHat bugzilla for that and report it as an issue with the Wireguard package (of course mention that and what Silverblue version you’re using), as I did for my initial issue.
You can find the correct links on this page.

I’ll just mention that @siosm (thanks!) has opened a PR to fix this.
Hopefully it’s merged in sooner than later.

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Well, I hope this will fix it but I’m not 100% sure yet :slight_smile:.

1 Like

Yeah, I hope so :slight_smile: Can’t post a comment on pagure for some reason :frowning:

Just commenting here to say that I just ran into this issue on Aurora, so it seems the bug has not been fixed.