On upgrade to Fedora 41, some dnf plugins may be missing


In the transition from DNF 4 to DNF 5 as part of Fedora 41, most plugins have been reimplemented and moved around. Currently, the package metadata is not optimally set to do the best job of ensuring as many plugins as possible that you had installed before upgrading are still installed after the upgrade.

You can discuss this issue here.


Many plugins initially weren’t reimplemented at all, and have been added only gradually over time. We did not yet systematically map out what metadata needs to be set in the packages to do the best job of ensuring the right packages get installed as part of the upgrade to keep plugins available.

Related Issues

Bugzilla report: #2309697


Most DNF plugins provide a command - e.g. dnf config-manager or dnf copr. If you know the name of the command you need, you can run:

dnf install "dnf5-command(commandname)"

to install it.

E.g. to install the plugin that provides dnf copr, run:

dnf install "dnf5-command(copr)"
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This should be resolved with DNF The dnf5-plugins package will
automatically be installed when users upgrade to F41 (provided that they have
dnf-plugins-core installed already, which will at least be everyone using dnf4 system-upgrade).

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