I wonder if there is a required service that is not running?
This is the services with nfs in their name on my NFS server for you to compare against:
$ sudo systemctl | grep -i nfs
proc-fs-nfsd.mount loaded active mounted NFSD configuration filesystem
var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount loaded active mounted RPC Pipe File System
nfs-idmapd.service loaded active running NFSv4 ID-name mapping service
nfs-mountd.service loaded active running NFS Mount Daemon
nfs-server.service loaded active exited NFS server and services
nfsdcld.service loaded active running NFSv4 Client Tracking Daemon
rpc-statd-notify.service loaded active exited Notify NFS peers of a restart
rpc-statd.service loaded active running NFS status monitor for NFSv2/3 locking.
nfs-client.target loaded active active NFS client services
root@dell-kvmhost:~# sudo systemctl | grep -i nfs
proc-fs-nfsd.mount loaded active mounted NFSD configuration filesystem
var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount loaded active mounted RPC Pipe File System
nfs-idmapd.service loaded active running NFSv4 ID-name mapping service
nfs-mountd.service loaded active running NFS Mount Daemon
nfs-server.service loaded active exited NFS server and services
nfsdcld.service loaded active running NFSv4 Client Tracking Daemon
rpc-statd-notify.service loaded active exited Notify NFS peers of a restart
rpc-statd.service loaded active running NFS status monitor for NFSv2/3 locking.
nfs-client.target loaded active active NFS client services
Here’s the output of nmap. Looks ok as far as I can tell?
root@dell-kvmhost:~# sudo nmap -p 2049,111
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-10-03 08:34 AEST
Nmap scan report for acer-bkp-server (
Host is up (0.0072s latency).
111/tcp open rpcbind
2049/tcp open nfs
MAC Address: F8:0F:41:CF:48:CA (Wistron Infocomm (Zhongshan))
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.49 seconds
I get access denied even mounting from the server
root@acer-bkp-server:/mnt# mount /mnt/nfs_share -o v3
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
I was told that setting up NFS is straight forward… might have to rethink that statement
I’d like to first thank you guys to support this puzzle of questions as this is clearly above me.
Bottomline: I can mount the exported directory locally from the server but not from the client
Here’s where I’m at:
Both nfs-server.service and rpcbind services are running (and enabled) on the server
All required services are running (as verified with another user); sudo systemctl | grep -i nfs
My directory is shared on the server; i.e. showmount -e <server IP>
I can ping in both direction via IPv4 and IPv6; latency of <1ms
Firewalls on both server and client are disabled (temporary)
SELinux is disabled on both server and client
I can mount the directory locally on the server (both loopback and the IP address)
mount from the client times out
/etc/fstab not yet updated (as I can’t mount)
Server and client running Fedora server 40
showmount takes about 2 mins to show the exported directory; I have run this command from the client (Fedora 40 server) but also from another Linux client on the network (running on an RPi); both take the same amount of time
sudo tail -f /var/log/messages | grep -i nfs shows an entry Oct 4 17:01:32 acer-bkp-server rpc.mountd[17169]: authenticated mount request from for /data/nfs_share (/data/nfs_share) when submitting a mount request from the client; this entry shows up immediately; mount times out
nmap scan shows ports 111 and 2049 open
I’d like to better understand what happens on the server when a mount or showmount command is issued from the network. What other tools can we employ here?
The setup’s ok now. The issue is with my managed switch. It must block/process the requests from the client somehow. I found out through another post describing the same issue. It was resolved by temporarily connecting both server and client via a cheap LAN bridge. Did the same and it works. Could’ve probably figured this out with Wireshark but that’s another area I’m not really familiar with.
Have contacted the switch manufacturer re changes to settings and in the meantime put the firewall and SELinux back on.