Minecraft login window won't launche

It’s the tar.gz version from the official website.

I have checked if the right drivers and libraries are installed. I have downloaded them several times and tested it in the /usr/bin folder and in my home folder. I use KDE.

Here it the error log and a video:

[0201/214736.225120:WARNING:alloy_main_delegate.cc(559)] Alloy bootstrap is deprecated and will be removed in ~M127. See https://github.com/chromiumembedded/cef/issues/3685
[0201/214736.418569:INFO:main_context.cpp(131)] CEF initialized successfully.
[0201/214736.418631:INFO:main_context.cpp(133)] CEF version: 127.3.5+g114ea2a+chromium-127.0.6533.120
[0201/214736.627864:WARNING:sandbox_linux.cc(430)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
Created browser window for reuse: 0x1e00004
Created browser window for reuse: 0x1e00016
[0201/214740.740016:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!
[0201/214742.030000:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "[GamepadNavigation] Initializing gamepad navigation", source: https://logincdn.msauth.net/shared/5/chunks/gamepad-navigation_838be5794eb9c3ab9cd1.js (1)
[0201/214742.032042:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "[GamepadNavigation] Enabling controller navigation", source: https://logincdn.msauth.net/shared/5/chunks/gamepad-navigation_838be5794eb9c3ab9cd1.js (1)
[0201/214742.083931:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "[GamepadNavigation] Using default mappings for gamepad navigation", source: https://logincdn.msauth.net/shared/5/chunks/gamepad-navigation_838be5794eb9c3ab9cd1.js (1)
[0201/214742.270166:ERROR:bad_message.cc(29)] Terminating renderer for bad IPC message, reason 213
[0201/214742.875280:WARNING:connection.cc(56)] X error received.  Request: DestroyWindowRequest, Error: WindowError{.sequence = 494, .bad_value = 31457303, .minor_opcode = 0, .major_opcode = 4}
[0201/214742.898407:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 2 times!
[0201/214746.891137:WARNING:connection.cc(56)] X error received.  Request: DestroyWindowRequest, Error: WindowError{.sequence = 511, .bad_value = 31457285, .minor_opcode = 0, .major_opcode = 4}

Personally I recommend ‘the game formerly known as minetest’ or Luanti https://www.luanti.org/

I know this is an annoying comment :stuck_out_tongue:

Out of curiosity, do you encounter the same error/issue when using the Minecraft Flatpak?

I’ve been using that reliably for years now in KDE and GNOME environments, and has removed any issues that might exist with underlying packages not working right.