Mindshare Committee election: Interview with Luiz Bazan

Originally published at: Mindshare Committee election: Interview with Luiz Bazan – Fedora Community Blog

This is a part of the Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Friday, 8 December and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Thursday, 21 December.

Interview with Luis Bazan

  • Fedora Account: Luis Bazan
  • IRC/Nick: lbazan / LoKoMurdoK
  • Matrix Channels typically found in: fedora-latam channel and all the others
  • Fedora User Wiki Page

What is your background in Fedora? What have you worked on and what are you doing now?

I have been participating in Fedora for more than 10 years. In my country, I engage in various events, showcasing Fedora as my primary distribution and encouraging students and professionals to use it in their daily activities. I am an active contributor to the Fedora community, consistently collaborating with my fellow Fedora enthusiasts in Panama. On a Latin American scale, I have endeavored and will continue to strive to maintain my involvement, aiming to keep more people interested in this expansive community.

Please elaborate on the personal β€œWhy” which motivates you to be a candidate for Mindshare.

I want to participate with the Mindshare team, contributing to the growth of Fedora. I aim to contribute to enhancing the community in every aspect and do everything I can to help improve and expand Fedora.

How would you improve Mindshare Committee visibility and awareness in the Fedora community?

Collaborate closely with Fedora Ambassadors to stimulate increased engagement at both local and global levels, ensuring that information about Mindshare activities is widely shared during events. Encourage Ambassadors to actively participate and promote initiatives in their respective regions.

What part of Fedora do you think needs the most attention from the Mindshare Committee during your term?

Enhance coordination of events, both local and global, by providing support and resources for organizers. Promote these events effectively to maximize participation.

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Hi @lbazan, congratulations on becoming a new member of the Mindshare Committee. :tada: As we work on getting you onboarded in 2024, I had a few questions to prime the discussion as you come on board.

As a newcomer to the Committee, I am curious. What is your current perception of the Mindshare Committee? In your words, how do you see the Committee and what its purpose is in the community?

I ask because this would inform my thoughts on spending more time in 2024 to revive the Mindshare Committee to a healthier state.

What do you think is missing in this collaboration today? What are the gaps today that we could help fill in 2024?

My thought here is that this is a mix of documentation (the coordination of events), funding (support and resources for organizers), and marketing (promoting events). Would you agree? Or is something missing?

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