Mesa-dri-drivers-0:24.3.3-2 degrades performance considerably


I am currently downgraded to 24.2 but I have the following mesa packages. 1 from rpm fusion and the rest from fedora repo

Installed packages
mesa-dri-drivers.x86_64             24.2.4-1.fc41                         fedora
mesa-filesystem.x86_64              24.2.4-1.fc41                         fedora
mesa-libEGL.x86_64                  24.2.4-1.fc41                         fedora
mesa-libGL.x86_64                   24.2.4-1.fc41                         fedora
mesa-libgbm.x86_64                  24.2.4-1.fc41                         fedora
mesa-libglapi.x86_64                24.2.4-1.fc41                         fedora
mesa-va-drivers-freeworld.x86_64    24.2.4-1.fc41                         rpmfus
mesa-vulkan-drivers.x86_64          24.2.4-1.fc41                         fedora

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Folks, following a suggestion from Michel DĂ€nzer, one of mutter’s lead devs, I replaced mesa-freeworld packages for their vanilla counterparts, removed the udev rule, and didn’t experience the problem. It seems this odd behavior is a side-effect from using these packages.

(@py0xc3 you raised concerns about mesa-freeworld before everyone else :wink: )

So, AFAICS there are two possible solutions:

  1. Don’t use mesa-freeworld from RPMFusion
  2. Use mesa-freeworld with the special udev rule

I’ll mark this as the solution for future reference, file a bug report on RPMFusion, and update the other bug reports accordingly. Thanks to all who contributed, it’s always nice to see this collective mind working :bulb: Fedora community is awesome :sunglasses:


Happy that your issue could be solved. But I suggest to add a note about the solution to the rpmfusion bug report so that the rpmfusion maintainer can respond correspondingly :classic_smiley:

Edit: I initially misinterpreted your last post, obviously you already had planned to inform the rpmfusion maintainer correspondingly. My bad :wink:

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RPMFusion bug report


It seems you nailed it. I can confirm that with these two packages removed (or swapped to their non-freeworld versions), the problem does not occur. If the freeworld packages are installed, then the bug occurs—and can still be fixed with the udev rule.

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The new rpmfusion freeworld update has fixed the problem for me. More discussion here: 7147 – mesa-va-drivers-freeworld 24.3.3 breaks some KDE apps. It seems like some API changes of Mesa haven’t been completely fixed yet, but at least sddm is working again.


Same here: I removed the udev rule after the update and everything appears to be back to normal.

If anyone still has a mesa*freeworld issue: there was just pushed another update to stable in rpmfusion. So a dnf update --refresh could solve remaining issues :classic_smiley: It is a new build of 24.3.3 (on f41.x86_64, it updated from the 4th to the 5th build → this usually indicates a fix of some kind)

Just FYI: the situation as earlier described and marked solved isn’t a complete solution for all environments.

On my amdgpu 880m system the default (non-freeworld) package makes the system crash irregularly, the freeworld packages have worked without issues so far (all versions).

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